[World Visions]

        [Read Victor Forsythe's new novel Birth of an Angel]

[Dove of Peace]

[This original art is titled Mirage and is the creation of Boris Vallejo]

A novel of evolution metamorphosis & liberation

Previous title: The Future of Slavery


Victor C. Forsythe

Updated September 29, 2000.

Inspired by the following...

"Sweet Loretta Martin thought she was a woman, but she was another man."


"Some of the highest mysteries are sexual in nature."

Ashanti proverb

"The human body is not a thing or substance given, but a continuous creation."

Fredrich Nietzsche

"The seed must become rotten before it germinates."

Ashanti Proverb

"Everything flows, in and out; everything has it's tides; all things rise and fall."

The Kybalion

Dedicated to the Essene Rabbi, Jesus the Nazarene whose self-sacrifice was an example to humanity to not sacrifice innocent creatures. I believe that compassion for other living things is one of the highest ideals. If through compassion we can learn to live in harmony with all Gods creatures, then perhaps we not only free ourselves from the bonds of gravity but also become angels, and higher servants of the Creator, ourselves.

Greed and power is the real name of the oil companies. Oil that was made by ancient plants from sunlight. Humanity can use solar energy for all its energy needs. But would we use that energy for good or would we use that energy to continue to grow fat and kill more animals? What could be worse than a stone age mentality with weapons of mass distruction?


For a sneak peek of  Victor C. Forsythe's Book........

Meet the author:       [Victor C. Forsythe]

My Story

In 1967 I left home and went to Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, rejecting the Vietnam war and the materialism of society.....there I met the Diggers, the Greatful Dead and Augustus Stanley Owsley III, maker of the specled barrel, the finest, purest LSD on the planet outside of Sandoz Labs. Later, using the name Simon Tree I would travel between San Francisco and Orange Country as a member of "The Brotherhood of Eternal Love", a group founded in Laguna Beach by Tim Leary.
The Brotherhood imported the finest "Temple Ball Hashish" from Nepal.

The first chapter details my arrest for being in the presence of a sale of coke and was also charged with a previous sale of hashish to an undercover state narcotics officer and how I lost the woman I felt my soul mate. I went through a jury trial on an entrapment defense, after the first trial was declared a mistrial for an hung jury, and facing 5 to life for sales.......I went to South America where I ran a vegetarian restaurant/juice bar/youth hostel in Baños Ecuador for several years.

After being extradited from Ecuador in 1974, I made a deal for 1 year in jail.

I was almost killed by a white supremacist prison gang after the DA reneged on a promise to get me on a work exchange program.......because I was single.

After leaving prison, I had helped form the Rainforest Action Network and Eco-Solar in Mexico. "My belief that we now need a higher spiritual consciousness to save the planet and ourselves", is the primary reason behind "Birth of an Angel".

And is the primary reason for the drug war an attempt to fill our prisons and then turn them over to pvt. corporations? What are the seven seals {of love} referred to in the Bible and what will happen when we find and realize that most perfect of loves with another human being? How can we truly be free?

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Birth of an Angel is available on CD Rom, text and HTML illustrated formats. To Order "Birth of an Angel", send $16.50 to: Victor Forsythe 1705 14th St #408 Boulder CO 80302

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