Links Page
Here you will find links to several area of interest

Here are some links to friend's homepages. If you already
are a friend and your site isn't here, please
don't be offended *grin* Just email me the address and I'll get
you in ASAP!
Arena This is Anthony's homepage. He's a good friend,
which for him being an ex-boyfriend is really cool - just like his page!
Lots of links and fun things to see and do. If you're a Highlander
or dragon fan, especially, check this out!
Domain Amber is one of my best friends, and my honorary
little sister in Delta Phi Zeta, the sorority I was a member of in college.
Her web site is amazing and has won several awards.

Costumes Are you in search of a bodice? Pendragon's
are some of the best. They are leather, have steel boning and fine
craftsmanship. They will support even the most voluptuous heavage!
There are many designs and colors to suit most any need.
Wardrobe in Time This is the entrance to the Garb catalogue
part of the Wardrobe in Time site. They have a wide range of garb,
from ladies and men's clothing to accessories. They also do custom
Accouterments Ana has been sewing garb for the SCA for
over ten years. She has since expanded to many periods. Her
catalog on the web is extensive and well worth checking out!
Chivalry Sports
One of the best places to start. Chivalry Sports has it all
from kilts to gowns to armor to blades. The new Katherine Dress is
to die for if you're a noblewoman!! They have books and accessories
galore! The prices are quite reasonable too. Be sure to order
a free print catalog for future reference.
Alter Years
The site seems to be down at the moment. However, this is a great
site. I'll let you know when I find something out!
House This is a resource for patterns. The
clothing for later years seem to reuire a high level of sewing knowledge
but I have not ordered from them as of yet.
The Lady
and the Fool One of the first garb retailers I heard about.
They have an extensive line of clothing and accessories for all members
of your Faire Family, including, of course, your favorite Fool!

The Renaissance Faire
Homepage The absolute BEST place to start if you're
new to Faires or looking to become more involved, this site contains something
for everyone. Included is an introduction to faires, background information,
basic costuming guides, acting tips, and many links. It focuses on
the california faires, but is applicable to almost any festival or faire
in the country.
The International Wench's
Guild Are you a fun loving female? Are you sexy,
no matter what your shape or size? Do you believe cleavage is a *good*
thing? Then come take a peek at the wonderful world of wenching.
There are so many of us, all over the globe. Even if you aren't a
Faire go-er, this is a great group of women (and even a few men!) who love
faire and life!
The International
Brotherhood of Rogues Scoundrels and Cads If you possess
certain elements of anatomy that may preclude your joining the Wench's
Guild, but have similar attributes in the male perspective, then this is
the place for you! It encourages the virtue of being a gentleman,
but provides you with lots of fun along the way!
Lots more to come - check
back here for specific Faire sites, reference sites (such as for dialects,
character development and other resources) soon.
Lundegaard Armoury
The man who started it all, Lars played a big role in the creation of
both the Wench's and Rogue's Guilds, among others. His wares are
beyond compare, with multiple pammels and options abounding! He doesn't
just carry blades, either. He also has various jewelry items and
has links to the multiple guilds the Armoury is "headquarters" to - including
the Wench's, rogue's, Assassin's, and Mercenaries, among others.
Cloak and Dagger
Another good link for all things sharp and pointy! A wide selection
of blade styles and periods. Cloak and Dagger also provide martial
arts supples and non-bladed weapons, as well as chainmail. Ask about
custom work here too!

Haven't quite gotten this far yet. Check back!

Click here to e-mail me.
If you want to submit a link, please say so in the subject
I tend to get a lot of junk mail at this address!