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Welcome to Kirvin's World!
Yes!! A bit of an actual update!

I am Kirvin, also known as Kate.
I am just shy of turning 30 years old (in October '04) and live in a small town south of Rochester, NY
where I work as a physical therapist in the local hospital. 
My passion outside of work is Renaissance Festivals, and this page is pretty well dedicated both to them and related topics.

YAHOO!! I finally did at least a BIT of updating, mostly on this page. While it's not much, there is a BRAND NEW picture below and corrected info. There is also a link to pictures from one of a past season's Faires. I haven't spent much time editing for several years now, but I was bored, so here you go!. Thanks again for your patience!

In other news, you remember that I met a WONDERFUL man back in February of 2000? He moved from Michigan to be near me and life has been bliss! His name is Adam and I love him very very very much (gee, could ya tell?!) So much in fact that on Spetember 6 2003 we were MARRIED. He brings such joy into my life that I almost can't bear it at times. Soon I will have a page or so dedicated to us, but I don't have many of our pictures scanned yet. Meanwhile, you can kind of see what he actually looks like below!

This is a picture of our very first kiss as a married couple!

As to Renaissance Faires, my home faire is the Sterling Renaissance Festival near Lake Ontario in New York. This is a great year for me at Sterling - both Adam and I are able to work there again. He is working for some dear friends at the Pillow Fytes, while I am working breaks for the Archery and Maze booths for one day a weekend. Great experience, and even better, I LOVE my job there.

You can see some more pictures of me and friends at the Sterling Festival from 2001 here.
I sincerely hope to put up some from this last year VERY soon - having a digital camera helps!

I have made several costumes for Faires.
These are properly called garb and are not as difficult as they may seem.

I finally have my links page up and running! It's VERY limited at the moment, but I plan on adding more soon!
(and months after I said this, I still haven't gotten around to it! *grin*)

The updated garb pages are almost done. A few links are still under construction here too.

E-mail me with opinions and suggestions.

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My appologies, the webring pic is down and I haven't been able to get it back - incorrect link I have now.

Come visit the sanctuary at The Church of the Quivering Otter

@ 1997

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