Left Hand FairyRiverWindRight Hand Fairy

Pretty River

Welcome to RiverWind!


RiverWind is undergoing a major reconstruction. What used to be an online fiction club is now just a fanfic resource for stories both based on the world of RiverWind and other stories myself and my friends have written. Included will also be fanfics of Tomb Raider and Wing Commander, original fantasy and sci fi series, some horror, some adventure, some this, some that. If you would like to know more about RiverWind, read on. I will also eventually be accepting both artwork and writings from anyone who wants to submit, both on RiverWind and anything else you can think up, so keep checking back here!

About RiverWind

I started RiverWind to be an ongoing 'story' based on a fantasy world that I came up with one day while bored on the job. Members could submit stories in that world based on their characters and the goings on, but real life and time eventually brought the whole thing to a standstill. Besides the occassional story still penned by myself and my best friend...who, where writing and most other things are concerned, is joined at the hip with me...nothing much RiverWindish was happening. However the both of us now had so many stories and were so in love with the land that I decided it could not die the ingnonimous death it seemed so bound for. So, this is my compromise :)

RiverWind is a small community in an isolated valley surrounded by mountains. It is ruled by the Warrior Magistrate, Ravyn, and her High Council. All sorts of fantastic creatures dwell here, from faeries and dragons to gnomes and griffons. RiverWind Castle and the outlying villages are protected by the High Guard, trained soldiers who keep the peace and act like a general police force, though the laws in RiverWind are very lenient. They answer to the council.
For a history of RiverWind, click here or on the links below. You can post a message to RiverWind's board below, and be sure to cruise through the webrings I'm a member of.

Want a tour of RiverWind? The pages are up here, but be warned. They are high graphic, and may be slow to load on some browsers. I think they are definately worth the time, however! You can access all of RiverWinds services through these pages, save the bulletin board. For those of you who do not want to risk the time, you can still access the main pages through the conventional links below.
River Banner

Post a message to RiverWind's message board.

Go to Dragon Saint, RiverWind's Sister Site

Map of RiverWind
Important Information
A history on the land of RiverWind.
Rules for joining the RiverWind Club.
Laws of RiverWind.
A list of Club Members.
Ready to submit a story? Here's what you do!
The RiverWind Archives
Other Stories and Fanfics not RiverWind related

Links and Webrings

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