::as you step through the archway you find yourself standing in a town green, you notice many of the buildings are starting to show signs of wear or abandonment, and the remaining people seem to be growing less happy with each passing day, causing you to wonder how long it will be before they leave like the rest.::
Ovious exits
The Herbalist - all you wanted to know about herbs and more
A large temple - containing information on the gods
The Mages School - where you can learn about spells, imbeding, and some of the realms magical artifacts.
A Training Yard - where you can learn about stats, training, and combat
A Small Shrine - A place to learn about voln and the unlife.

The Herbalist
Complete herb guide

The Temple of the Gods
Arkati, by GM Stump

The Mages School
Spell List

AI Crystal

Imbeding explained

The Training Yard

Experence Explained

A small shrine
The Silent path To voln
The Unlife

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