Background Sound Controls---->
Click the pic below to see a neat little animation I made.

(United States Eastern Time--Wait for the page to finish loading)
Welcome to my X-Files site! Believe it or not, I actually won an award!! This site has been awarded the Fun Site Award! Click on the pic to visit their site. If you're wondering what's so fun about this site that it won an award, you're not alone, but it did and now I'm going to go celebrate my victory. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! |
Whoa, I won another award! This site has received the Labyrinth A-Mazing Site Award! Click on the pic to visit their site. I feel so unworthy. This sweet girl Ariel just sent me this award via e-mail. Just look at the size of this award. I put them up here in the size that they're given to me. The award even looks cool to boot. I must say, this is quite an honor. Thanks, Ariel! |
Just in time for the series finale, this could be my final update to this page. I've been so busy that I haven't been able to drop by here in a very long time. Perhaps one day I'll do a round of final updates to this site, but don't hold your breath (all 8 of you that visit this site per year). Enjoy the series finale!!

***All-New 50-Question Trivia Under Construction***

It seems that my counter doesn't work anymore. Not that it would matter.

Eveything on this and any other of my pages is the sole property of it's respective owner(s), so put that in your pipe and smoke it.