
   Welcome to Dark World A page dedicated to Vampyres, Peganism, and Witchcraft. Here you will find Pictures, and other graphics, a Vampyres chat for REAL Vampyres not Role-players. Also have links to other Vampyre sites. I first became interested in Vampyres when I read "Interview with the Vampire" I've been studying Vampyre culture and rituals ever since I read the book. I also became very interested in Wicca and Witchcraft also voodoo and other types of peganism. I'll keep this brief so that you can explore my site Please help me accumulate more information on this subject. The site is temporarily under construction.

"Interview with the Vampire"
                      Page dedicated to the book and the movie.

The Vampyre chat.

Wicca spells.

Poetry, and short stories.

My Vampyre findings and conclusions on the subject.

Bulliten board.

Dark pages.

My purposes for this page.

Books on related subjects.
