Here Is my page where I keep my awards! I am
honored to have been chosen for these awards! I hope
I am worthy of them! Please take the time to go & visit
all these nice people! They all have very nice &
friendly homes! Thank you all!!
Recieved June 1998. This award was my very
first. This award is special to me, & means a lot to
me! This award is from "Rainbow's World"! I recieved it
from my dear friend ~Rainbow~! Who with out her help
I would not have my pages up & running! Thanks Debra!
Your the best!!!
Recieved July 30th 1998. From "Lucille's
Country Home"! Thank you Lucille! I am very proud to
recieve your award!
Recieved August 5th 1998. From
~Oceansurf~. I thank you from the bottom of
my heart for this award! This is a special award, it can
not be applyed for, it is given out by Dave to sites he
thinks are deserving of his award! Now I know why I work
so hard, so I can hear such kind words, as you have
written to me, when sending this award! Thanks
This award I recieved today.August 20th 1998.
This award is from "FairyFin". She has a lovely page,
she is an artist. Her Artwork is very nice! Thanks
Debbie for my award!!
I recieved this award on August 21st 1998.
From "NaNa Mars Web Wonders"! Thank you very much
Mars. Thanks for the kind words you wrote!
I just recieved this award today. September 1st
1998. This award is from, "In The Land of Fairies".
Thank you so much, Angel Rose! Mary, has a really
good page on Fairies. Please do go to visit her home!!
I recieved this award on September 2nd 1998.
This award, comes from "Night Wolfes Den". This award
was made especially for me by Night Wolf! In her letter
I recieved, with her award, she said my homepage's
deserved a special award, so she made me this one for
my site! I was really surprised to recieve this award!
I want to say Thank You Very Much for this award Tammy!
I love It!! I wish you good luck on your fight to save
the wolfs!!
I was given this award, on November 07th 1998.
This award is from, "SpellSongs Path". His site,
contains a lot of stories & poems, Most of which,
he has written himself. Please stop in & visit
SpellSongs Path! This award is very dear to me!!
Thank you very much for my award Aaron!! I am
honored to have been chosen, for your award!!!
These two awards were given to me on November 13th
1998. These are from, "The World of Jedstar"! Please
go to visit their homepage!! Thank You, Jude, Jed
and Amber, for my awards!! I love them!!!
This award, was recieved, on November 14th 1998.
This award came from "Bobbies Place"!! She has
a very pretty & informative site!! Please go to
visit her homepage! Thanks Bobbie, for my award!!
I love the colors, they fit right in!!!
I recieved this award, on December 12, 1998. This
award comes from "Sherri's Lil Piece of Heaven"!
Please visit here, when you can, Sherri, has a very
nice homepage!! Thanks for my award Sherri!!! I
really love it!!!

These 2 awards above, I recieved December 15th 1998,
from "Annies Treasure Box"! Annie, has a lot of good
things, at her home. She also, has a lot of info, &
free thngs, for your homepages!!I hope you will stop
by to see her homepage!! Thanks for my awards Annie!!!
Recieved this award, on December 22nd 1998, First time,
I've recieved an award, for signing a guestbook! Please
go to check out "BeerBud's pages!!! Thanks Chet, for
the award!!!
This award was given to me, on January 20th 1999.
Please go to see Moxnix, At "Moxnix Homepage"!!
Thank you very much Moxnix!! Now I have 3 awards,
with a wolf on them!! Even though, I don't have any
on my pages, I do love the Wolfs!!!
My background and buttons are from Fantasyland
Graphics. Please visit them from the link below! My
geocities button is from Cottage Row Graphics. Her
link is on my Adopted Cyberpet's Page.
Here is the link to where I go to do some
special thing's to my graphic's. Check it out. Lot's
of fun thing's to do here!