While we remain a completely neutral and nonaligned organization, we have provided the following list of links to our member RPGs for the convenience of you, our readers, in the hope
that you would like to find out more about the RPG groups
which contribute and subscribe to our newsletter. We appreciate the
support of these organizations and this is our way of saying
thank you to them. If you would like to have your group added to this list of subscribers, contact us at captainslog@bigfoot.com and we will be happy to send you an application form. All we ask
in return is that you have at least one member subscribed to our
mailing list, and you provide a link to our newsletter on your
main page.
Our subscribing RPG groups are listed here in alphabetical order. Charter members are indicated with
in front of their name, while single RPGs are located at the bottom of the page and are indicated with a
. All RPG information is current as of January, 2000.
Fleet name: AQSG (Alpha Quadrant Sim Group)
Fleet URL: http://aqsg.tripod.com/aqsgmain.htm
Fleet CO's RL name: Michael Pierce (rotating position)
Fleet CO's email address: michael.pierce@altion.com
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Kat
Fleet Correspondent's email address: t_keris@yahoo.com
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 22
Approximate number of players in fleet: 300
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet:
The AQSG is a Play-By-E-mail Sim group that is set in the TNG/DS9 time line. The group encourages creativity and freedom of choice. The AQSG currently has an Academy, Starfleet Division and a Romulan Division. In its effort to remain innovative the group's R&D section is always striving to bring new and exciting ways of playing.
Fleet name: Andromeda Trek RPG
Fleet URL: http://solaria.net/a_trek
Fleet CO's RL name: Mike Cerone
Fleet CO's email address: a_trek@solaria.net
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Mike Cerone
Fleet Correspondent's email address: a_trek@solaria.net
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 1
Approximate number of players in fleet: 8
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: Andromeda Trek is a small
friendly game set a few years after the events of Star Trek:The Motion
picture. Two Consitution Class (refit) star ships, the USS Resolution and
USS Eagle along with most of the crew and population of DS-4 find
themselves transported to the Andromeda Galaxy. Our target members are
people who enjoy writing and looking for a game that captures the spirit
and feel of the Original Series. Andromeda Trek RPG is a Guild member of
the UFED Role Playing Organization.
Fleet name: Gamma Fleet
Fleet URL: http://www.gammafleet.org.uk
Fleet CO's RL name: Will Haywood
Fleet CO's email address: willhaywood@classicfm.net
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Will Haywood
Fleet Correspondent's email address: willhaywood@classicfm.net
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 14, and several
more which are going to become active soon.
Approximate number of players in fleet: We are in the process of
establishing that...
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: Gamma Fleet is a Star Trek RPG Sim group, which is set at the end of the Dominion war. We are a well established group, and welcome anybody who
wishes to join, be they experienced or just a beginner.
Fleet name: Federation Sim Fleet
Fleet URL: http://www.sb254.com
Fleet CO's RL name: Luke
Fleet CO's email address : shuni@sb254.com
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Luke
Fleet Correspondent's email address: shuni@sb254.com
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 28
Approximate number of players in fleet: 380
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: Our webpage gives the best
description. We are an AOL based group with large divisions in email and
IRC. We have a staff of over 50 dedicated officers and many enjoyable sims
throughout Trek, Wars, Babylon 5, EFC, Matrix, and Sliders.
Fleet name: Independence Fleet
Fleet URL: http://members.tripod.com/~rpgstartrek/if/index.html
Fleet CO's RL name: Maria Andrews & Mindy Yount
Fleet CO's email address: andrewsmariac@hotmail.com & tudor_sutton@hotmail.com
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Maria Andrews
Fleet Correspondent's email address: andrewsmariac@hotmail.com
Approximate number of active dutystations (ships and starbases) in fleet: 2 active ships one starbase (forming)
Approximate number of players in fleet: 60
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: Independence Fleet is a new fleet, only a month in service [January 1999]. It is dedicated to those who love Star Trek and to its creativity. In Independence Fleet we strive for only one thing: "fun".
Fleet name: Phoenix Fleet
Fleet URL: http://www.phoenixfleet.co.uk
Fleet CO's RL name: Paul Knott
Fleet CO's email address: Jarovik@jarovik.screaming.net
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Carson Gross
Fleet Correspondent's email address: Carson1984@aol.com
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 10
Approximate number of players in fleet: 90
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: Phoenix Fleet is located in Sector 301, a previously-ignored region of Federation space bordering the Klingon, Romulan and Cardassian empires. Following the discovery of an inter-galactic portal, however, Starfleet's finest have been reassigned. Our mission -- to explore Farside (the new galaxy) and defend Sector 301 from threats, known and unknown. We aim to take email roleplaying to new levels of excellence, giving players the kind of game that they deserve. So why not stop by and give us a try?
Fleet name: Prime Directive Interactive
Fleet URL: http://primedirective.tripod.com
Fleet CO's RL name: Craig N. Pichach
Fleet CO's email address: pichachc@meg-cgy.com
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Sean Berg
Fleet Correspondent's email address: 31360343@3web.net
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 25
Approximate number of players in fleet: 25
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: Prime Directive - TOS / Star Fleet Battles based RPG
Fleet name: Project Longbow
Fleet URL: http://www.geocities.com/projectlongbow
Fleet CO's RL name: Robert Lyster
Fleet CO's email address: projectlongbow@yahoo.com
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Robert Lyster
Fleet Correspondent's email address: projectlongbow@yahoo.com
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 6 positions
Approximate number of players in fleet: 50
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: Project Longbow is the name
given to Starfleet's attempt to explore deep into the beta quadrant. It is
headquartered on Tethys, a water-world where an abandoned alien colony was
discovered and transformed into a base of operations. The project's
operational arm is the 8th Expeditionary Fleet which is commanded by Admiral
Robert W. Halsey. The ships of the 8th EF are primarily small, fast ships
that are able to explore far from Tethys while avoiding detection.
Fleet name: Quadrant Delta
Fleet URL: http://qd.solaria.net
Fleet CO's RL name: Linda Parris
Fleet CO's email address: siteadmin@qd.solaria.net
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Mike Cerone
Fleet Correspondent's email address: captcherroni@yahoo.com
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 11
Approximate number of players in fleet: 100
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet:
Quadrant Delta has a variety of duty stations, ranging from GorVosh Station
(Starfleet HQ in the DQ) located inside the Hope One Dyson's Sphere, to a
number of Starbases and Starships. We even have a Klingon outpost for you
warrior types. Quadrant Delta offers not only the standard Starfleet officer
roles, but is also comprised of civilians, diplomats and even a few races
created by our own players. But the QD is more than a central recruiting and
advertising organization. Each of the duty stations own story lines contribute
to the continual development of the QD time line that acts as the story for the
entire game.
Fleet name: SOULTREK
Fleet URL: http://soultrek.net
Fleet CO's RL name: J Migs
Fleet CO's email address: migs@soultrek.net
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Beverly
Fleet Correspondent's email address: Natira@soultrek.net
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 8
Approximate number of players in fleet: 250 to 300
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: SOULTREK is a PBEM RPG based in the Realm of Startrek
Fleet name: Starfleet Command
Fleet URL: http://www.angelfire.com/wa/starfc
Fleet CO's RL name: Tom Carter
Fleet CO's email address: timcarter@sympatico.ca
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Tom Carter
Fleet Correspondent's email address: timcarter@sympatico.ca
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 4
Approximate number of players in fleet: 50
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: Welcome to StarFleet Command, a play-by e-mail role-playing group by
T. Carter (Fleet Admiral Julius Carver). We strive to open the world of
Star Trek to all its fans. With the sole assistance of e-mail access
and creative flair, you'll be able to assume a character and immerse
yourself within a futuristic world. We welcome you to explore new
worlds, seek out new life and civilizations and boldly go where no man
has gone before!
Fleet name: Star Trek: Shadow Operations
Fleet URL: http://home.talkcity.com/InfiniteLoop/bskyrilvree/
Fleet CO's RL name: Gary Gould
Fleet CO's email address: ShdoOps@aol.com
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Edmund Woo
Fleet Correspondent's email address: ekwoo@mindless.com
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 5
Approximate number of players in fleet: 40
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: This is a 3 year old PBEM game taking place in the current timeline of Star Trek. We are the covert operations division of Starfleet Intelligence. Join the
ranks working "semper intra umbra" (always within the shadows).
Fleet name: UtopiaFleet
Fleet URL: http:/www.utopiafleet.com
Fleet CO's RL name: Kris Annika Corson
Fleet CO's email address: AdmAnnikaM@aol.com
Fleet Correspondent's RL name: Bill McCall
Fleet Correspondent's email address: TArmourguy@aol.com
Approximate number of active dutystations in fleet: 27, 14 in the works.
Approximate number of players in fleet: 450-500 (It fluctuates)
Brief description (a short paragraph) of fleet: UtopiaFleet is a PBEM star
Trek roleplaying game, set in the Gamma Quadrent. We have a complete coverage
of sims to try, over 25 ships, three starbases, shipyards and an Academy.
We're working toward a better, more player based sim.
Single RPGs
Fleet name: Kilo Station
Fleet URL: http://www.geocities.com/kilostation
RPG CO's RL name: Three GMs: John, Cathy, Erin
RPG CO's email address: JohnWalton@bigfoot.com, LyraSeven@aol.com, SamanHa@aol.com
RPG Correspondent's RL name: Cathy Asbach
RPG Correspondent's email address: LyraSeven@aol.com
Approximate number of players in RPG: 10
Brief description (a short paragraph) of RPG: A member of the Triangle Group of sims, Kilo exists to maintain the balance of power in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants. Set in the Triangle Area of space, Kilo is hidden deep inside a quantum singularity, the Deep, whose subspace eddies can only be navigated with the aid of charts produced by the Romulan Empire's most skilled mapmakers, ensuring secrecy for its activities. The aim of Kilo is to maintain the proper order of the Alpha and Beta quadrants. All assets here have been officially declared "lost" by Starfleet and the Romulan and Klingon navies. Funds are redirected from official budgets by sympathetic Admirals, khre'Riovs and 'echs in the three main powers, as well as by private "donors".
RPG name: USS Ryouko
RPG URL: http://ryouko64511.tripod.com/ryouko.html
RPG CO's RL name: Jim
RPG CO's email address: zarek@erinet.com
RPG Correspondent's RL name: Jim
RPG Correspondent's email address: zarek@erinet.com
Approximate number of players in RPG: 6
Brief description (a short paragraph) of RPG: A member of the Triangle Sim
Group, the USS Ryouko is an Akira Class (modified) ship. We are an
independent RPG PBEM based on the Star Trek Universe. Our ship is fairly
new, and we are very flexible with our players... Have a new race that you
would like to introduce? As long as it's not too far fetched... Just send
me the details, and we'll work something out...
RPG name: USS Stavanger
Fleet URL: http://www.geocities.com/r_starling
RPG CO's RL name: McNair Brown
RPG CO's email address: captkerrigan@hotmail.com
RPG Correspondent's RL name: McNair Brown
RPG Correspondent's email address: captkerrigan@hotmail.com
Approximate number of players in RPG: 3
Brief description (a short paragraph) of RPG: The USS Stavanger is a PBEM RPG set aboard a Norway-class starship two years
after the Dominion war. Many positions are still available for interested
players. Our missions will focus on exploration.