Who held both ends of the tightrope and balanced me into being a better mother.
Who will always remain alive in spirit in my world. Thank you for protecting us through all the hell. Words cannot express what I would say to you ~ Except I will love you forever, my soulmate.
My mentor and "twin". I won't let you die either. I miss you terribly.
For having the best IP in the world and making this connection possible.
For their generosity in webspace and hosting my site.
Where it all began...
For giving me the motivation to start this website.
For Making JANEDORY.COM a reality!
Special recognition to Carolyn R. Gyger & Brandy Vishnesky, my honored WebRing Assistants. I don't know how I could do this alone with without your extreme dedication.
Sondra Gold., Ph.D. and Jose Sousa., M.D.
The BEST DOCTORS IN THE WORLD who survived over 20 years of my shit.
Kenneth Branco, Lic., Acc.,
*Please look into it - it WORKS!!
Donna Gavin., O.D., Low Vision Specialist & Homeopathist
Who after 27 years finally gave me eyez I could see out of and a brain too.
For being the only company to produce the lenses I need as well as so many other unrecognized Amblyopic Hyperopes.
(AKA Debra Boman, PhD., M.D.), A most trusted Internet friend.
Thank you for having balls of steel that I inherited to do this.
For picking me up in puddles of blood on the floor, rescuing me from the terrors of the hospitals and caring for the boys.
For always being there for my leagal shit I drive you crazy with.
For teaching me so much and never being threatened by my learning from you.
Karen Silkwood
Who I still believe is alive & well somewhere in the world. I know what you went though.
Norma Ray Johnson
Should I say more, except : UNIONIZE!!
For creating the comic book hero "The MAXX", who anchored me to Earth even though we experiened the "outback" simultaneoulsy, when I needed both.
Ric Cantu
The best boss in the world. I would have abandoned you too under the circumstances, (maybe...). I have no bad feelings towards you.
You fucking BASTARD!
Dennis Calnan, Ed Sorrentino, Program Director of the South Shore Conservartory of the Performing Arts, Donnald Zook, Director of the most vast Flute Symphony in the US
& "The Flute" 
"The voice of reason"
Thank you for what you have done for my son and for me.