The X-Girls! The X-Girls? What, you may ask, are the X-Girls? Well, The X-Girls
a group of David Duchovny-obsessed X-Philes that not only ponder the great
importance of Mulderglasses, but anything else you can think of, including
the inequities
of the universe, school dances and toddler mishaps.
The X-Girls are wonderful and I feel privileged to be counted among their
much less permitted to have a clone of my very own.
(Long story, maybe I can get someone to write it up for you).
The X-Girls are contagiously silly, and this page
is here to serve not only as record of that silliness, but also in hopes
that some of it can
spill out into the world. We all need a good laugh, and, more than likely,
a good obsession.
And you can be more than sure that a certain Mr. Mulder would easily do the trick...:)
This Update:
We moved! I needed more room for this update...a lot more. So we moved to Geocities, which should make things a heckuva (Minnesotan word) lot easier all the way arround. So update your favorite places and links.
Okay, for all you X-Girls that are making it to the Gathering: Sandy now has details on the hotel (location and price) E-Mail her for more info or look at the The 1998 X-Girl Gathering! page to to get updates. There are two new sections to explore (and I really ask you too cause I spent an age on them. Not to say it wasn't very rewarding work. ) Check out the icons at the bottom of the page.
We now have a chatroom. It's open all the time and works on the web, I think you do need Java for it...but check it out. Pretty groovy. Click here ----> to Chat. I haven't been in there lately...and I don't think there's any reason to worry about it if you can't get in. If we have to have a chat...we'll find a way for everyone to be included, i.e IRC or EFNet, or something. :)
Fanfic- Tracey has a new story based on a promo for PBVariant, it's pretty nifty. Kat, I have everything up but your other story...send it to me and I'll fix it. I'm such a forgetful mind can't remember two things at once. :)
Jokes- New stuff, all the new jokes are at the bottom in green for convienience, but I wouldn't mind reading them again.
Utterly Us- Basically updated as usual...we have over 60 members! Pretty groovy...we're not huge like the SPCDD, but we have definite close-knitness.
Picture Gallery- Newsies...:) Geocities is wahdahful, no?
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This page was last updated: 5/16/98
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Your Webmistress is Crista the Wicked Watermelon