Jonathan Cohen's Wacky Home Page

These are links to a parody I wrote of Robert Jordan's "Wheel of Time" series, as part of the development of an "Advanced Dungeons and Dragons" (AD&D) player character. You'll get more out of it if you read the series, are familiar with AD&D, and are a Jimi Hendrix fan. However, I hope you'll enjoy it regardless. Some of the character names and geographic references were created by my friend, Ken Marin, as part of his AD&D world. There is some mild language and adult (i.e. immature) humor, so be forewarned if you're very offensensitive.

The Gopher Reborn

Part I: The Gopher
Part II: The Gopher Reborn
Part III: Into The Great Wide Open
Part IV: Where They Are Now
The Gopher Glossary
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