Trudy Hawk's Birds Eye View

Trudy Hawk soars through the tangled briars of art and media to find out where are the best morsels and where is the gravel. No hard to load animation will ever be found here. I'm dedicated to content above all, and maintaining the best design for speed of loading in your browser.

Morsel of the month: I've been quite enamoured lately of the Discovery Channel Program Dirty Jobs . Featuring a familiar voice, Mike Rowe gets down and dirty with some of the most interesting characters in the world. You've got to see it to get the full effect.

Gravel of the month:Does WGN have more than three programs? Every time I look I see people laughing at others misfortune in home videos, 24 or an infomercial. Come on, Superstation. At least try a little bit.

Best Escape of the month: Harken back to a simpler time in life. The second season of The Muppet Showhas just come out on DVD. Do you remember John Cleese as a captive special guest star? Do you remember the size of the stars? From Dom DeLuise to Rich Little, Lou Rawls to Judy Collins, Edgar Bergin to Steve Martin, these stars were amazing and at the top of their game and willing to do a show marketed to kids but even more appropriate for adults with multi-level humor. It's a sheer joy to watch.

Biggest Surprise of the month: Call me slow to catch on, but I've recently been exposed to online comic User Friendly, by JD "Illiad" Frazier. Malevolent coffee and ancient powers terrorize hapless programmers in the officeplace. It's hilarious.


Always good:  Learn a new part of grammer, the mondegreen, as you discover that Jimmy Hendrix was not singing "Scuse me while I kissthisguy  ". The first female bridge officer of the future:   .

Trudy's List of Safe News Sources for the Intelligencia: The Nation, The Christian Science Monitor, Astronomy Magazine, Mother Jones, Public Citizen,, and for the lighter fare: The Reader's Digest. Get your news from respectable news sources who don't spend all their time pandering to Big Oil.

Trudy's Take on web pages:  You will never find me dabbling in Kitty Porn, posting pictures of myself in skimpy attire, writing sappy love poetry or stories about myself romancing Captain Kirk, or creating heavily Javaed monstrosities that take more than 120 seconds to appear on your screen. That is my pledge.

This page created May 20, 1998, updated Nov 1, 2007.

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