welcome to my Web Page

Watch Your Step!!!
Under Construction!!!


Hello, My name's Doug...............My Friends call me Doug............................So.....................You can call me.....................................................................DOUG!!!!! What did you expect me to say?!!!!!! YOU don't know ME!!!!!! BUT I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!!!! (evil laugh) MWAH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA *gasping for air* HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!
My name is Doug and I am currently a student at Damien Memorial Highschool in Honolulu, Hawaii. If you want to, you can follow the link to my school and look at some pretty cool things like: My class's Blood pressure research, or Mr. Lee's Earthquake Predictions (some of you might have seen him on sightings before).

PAGE FINALLY UPDATED!!!! 1 thing added to my gifs (check it out!!). I will probably also start redoing a lot, or all of them.

Here is something having to do with "mad cow" disease (takes a little while to load- 1 minute with 56k- but it is very funny- you must check this out!!!).

To My MIDI page

Well...I could have this page done overnight, but that would be:
"most illogical"

If you have any suggestions or comments, or if one/some of my links are not working, please
send me your feedback

Please come back soon and visit me.

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Links to other sites on the Web

To my school's page
To THE BOMB DILLY page (or my friends nasty, disgusting, retarded,etc. page)
To LESTER's Home Page
To a place to get Animated Dragonball gifs.
To my brother's page (simpsons and other assorted stuffs)

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