What we've been told:
At the conclusion of the civil war, the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a southern sympathizer / actor named John Wilkes Booth... Shortly thereafter Booth was hunted down and killed.
What Granbury folklore tells us:
Wilkes Booth fled to Texas, changed his name to John St. Helen and took a
job at a saloon. Clues to his true identity; included his love of quoting
Shakespeare ( he was an actor ), he walked with a limp in his left leg (
the leg he broke jumping out of the balcony when he killed the President
), and he made a pre-mature deathbed confession to some Granbury citizens
to the fact that he was indeed John Wilkes Booth ( unfortunately he didn't
died and decided to flee to Oklahoma ).
What Weatherford folklore tells us:
he saw no way for a man of his public stature to end his marriage, President
Abraham Lincoln decided to fake his own death and flee to Texas. Changing
his name to Alexander (Billy Bob) Hamilton, he took a job at a feed
store. Clues to his true identity included his love of quoting from the
Gettysburg Address (after all he wrote it ), his hat ( it was just like the
one Lincoln wore ), and he went around telling everyone he was really President
Lincoln and he was sure sorry about that little war (The Civil War).
Only known photo of Alexander ( Billy Bob ) Hamilton taken in the Spring of 1869 in Weatherford, TX
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