The Story Archive

Hi, and welcome to Avalon's Story Archive. The story held here is one that is the sequel to another as-yet-unfinished story at another site. It's set in an alternate earth where electricity was extinguished and continents were shifted eighty years ago, and small villages struggled to survive. So please read and enjoy...
THE NEW WORLD: The Darkest Hour

LAST UPDATE:Monday, the 29th of June.

Chapter 1: Ashes to Ashes

Page Two

Page Three

Page Four

Check out a picture of Azriel I drew as he will appear in Chapter Two.(It was done in pencil, and much smaller, but it still doesn't look too shabby, even if I do say so myself.)

people have visited the Archive since I decided to get a counter on the 29th June, 1998. The other site that contains the not-even-nearly completed prequel of the Darkest Hour, entitled "The New World: Cataclysm", which can be found at that site's story archive...
The Negative Zone