The Land of Harmony, Peace and Unity
And Sun Softly Shining
This is the Realm of the Mystics, Fairies, and Dragons,
in the Land of Sun~lo. Where sun shines softly, and unity and honor prevail.
This magical place 'tis the home of the Lovely Mystic Saffron and the Orange Dragon Lord Zangor, her loyal companion, and faithful protector: Each special in their own unique way. One is filled with wisdom and patience, and the other filled with strength and courage. Together they are a powerful entity, with a caring soul.
Mystic Saffron and Lord Zangor jointly tend to the cares of the Realm of Sun~lo and its inhabitants. This 'tis my home as well. I am Zephyr de Mara, a very special fairy who travels the Realm of Sun~lo like a gentle breeze over a cool lake. I am ever your guide, always seeking and spreading the news to all who live in this beautiful kingdom of harmony, peace, and unity.
I have a very young dragon that I nursed back to health, whom i have named Gandor after my father, King of the Faes and creator and protector of Sun~Lo.
Several years ago my father passed on to the world of Nozell. This page is here to honor his goodness and all that he has done to create and protect this magical Realm that is Sun~Lo. He has passed down his legacy of honor and unity unto Mystic Saffron and Lord Zangor for safekeeping. From the heavenly skies above he and his mystics, fairies, and dragons, who too, have crossed over to Nozell, and are the stars that light the way in the sky of night. Ever there, to guide and comfort.
Let me, Fae Zephyr de Mara, your gentle breeze and guide, take your hand and show you around. We are growing, and there is more to come in the Realm of Sun~Lo. Behind every door or window there is another tale weaving, another poem being shared, and pictures so beautiful that you will feel as if you, yourself, have lived in the beautiful world of Sun~lo. So come in and join us, sign our guest book, and share your stories, hopes, and dreams…
Enjoy your stay and help us create something magical…
Come back often to see how this Realm of light and unity grows and changes with every waking day.
Thank you,
Fae Zephyr de Mara, your Storyteller and guide to the possibilities...
From this beautiful Realm of Harmony, Peace, and Unity
That is….Sun~Lo

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Sun~Lo Historians Society Presents
The Story of Sun~Lo
A Tribute
Passing of the Fang
Gandor's Test
The Test of Selflessnes~~Saving Sarah
The Journey Back to Hyperon
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