Drake Fenwick's Pitiful Little Life! Giant Monster Fun...

Maybe it’s just me, but I believe that a movie consisting of several Japanese men in rubber monster suits wrestling each other, with goofy ass aliens, cute little Asian women, and the occasional appearance by Raymond Burr is a guaranteed formula for greatness! Gods bless you Toho!

And seeing how I’m also one of those disturbed artist-type fanboys I thought I’d draw some keen pictures in appreciation of Godzilla and friends! Please note though, that I am also a pervert and the last two are for mature… err… older people! So if you’re too young you’ll just have to have an older sibling download them for you!

Gdozilla vs. Godzilla     Godzilla vs. Gamera    Debbie Does Godzilla    The New Godzilla

Giant Monster Fun...