Drake Fenwick's Pitiful Little Life! Fantasy A-Go-Go!

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I’d been play Role Playing Games For Years, and never thought much about the green buggerers, but after reading Mary Gentle’s book Grunts I found Orcs to be the coolest species out there… and strangely appealing.... Green is my favorite color though… maybe that’s it… But either way, here are some orcs that I’ve drawn. Be afraid!

War Orc   Harem orc   Orc Mage

Orc Chieftan   Orc Captain   Orc Cheerleader

Fantasy Fiction:

It’s my overactive imagination I know it, and working in an empty computer lab all day doesn’t help it… a nor does all the sugar I ingest… but no matter the cause, here they are, my writings! Be very afraid! For the more mature to say the least!

The Drinking Game:

For more mature readers, it’s the story of Gharzia Gnarledtooth and her misfit band of adventurers! I also drew pictures for it too!

Chapter I | Chapter II | Chapter III | Chapter IV | Chapter V
Chapter VI | Chapter VII | Chapter VIII | Chapter IX | Chapter X

Species Chart:

One day I got really bored… and had the graph paper… so I drew up this: The Species Chart! So if you’re just a wee bit curious as to how all the fantasy races rate next to each other here you go!

Species Chart I | Species Chart II