Where to get the rare pokemon in Gold and Silver version

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-Where to get Houou and Lugia

In Gold Version.....

-How to get Houou
Clear the Event at the Radio Tower. You will get a Rainbow Feather there.
Then go see the Houou at Suzu Tower in Enzyu town.( Houou will be in the top of the tower)
-How to get Lugia
After beating the game, go to Kanto Side and get a Silver feather at the Nibicity.
Then go to the Uzumaki Island. Lugia is in the upper right island
In Silver Version....

-How to get Lugia
Clear the Event at the Radio Tower. You will get a SilverFeather there.
Then go to the Uzumaki Island. Lugia is in the upper right island.
-How to get Houou
After beating the game, go to Kanto Side and get a Rainbow feather at the Nibicity.
Then go see the Houou at Suzu Tower in Anzyu town.( Houou will be in the top of the tower)

Houou data In gold, LV.40 In silver, LV.70
No.250: Rainbow Pokemon
Type: Fire, Flying

Lugia data In gold, LV.70 In silver, LV40
Type: Psychi, Flying

-How to get Entie, Raikou and Suikun

Steps on getiing these Pokemon....
(1) These Pokemon are first in the burned tower in zyouto at the basement. You have to see them here first.
(2) Then they will start running all over the Zyouto side.(They wont run into the Kanto Side)
(3) You have to look all over everywhere on Zyouto side.
(4) Once you ran into them, you can find where they are in the Pokedex.
(5) If you damage them, the damage will be still left when batlling next time.

Cheat on Catching them......
Well this is a little cheat I found.. It will be easier catching it if you do this. Some people caught all of them in 10 min.

(1) First you need 3 or more MasterBall and lot of Gold Spray and Pokemon thats LV.39 on top of your Pokemon.
(2) Use a Gold Spray.
(3) Then you go into a field where theres a weak Pokemon alike LV.5 Pokemon
(4) Keep walking in the field until one of the special Pokemon appear. When Gold Spray doesn't work no more, use another one.
(5) When one of them appear throw a Masterball at it.(theres a cheat on how to duplicate masterball)

See how this works? The Gold Spray doesn't let any Pokemon thats weaker than yours go in battle with you. And the Entie, Raikou and Suikun is LV.40. So, the only thing that you can possibly battle is one of them.

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