Herewith the FAQ, the answers to the questions you ask most often (hence the name). Yes, I know some of them are pretty weird, but you asked them... Mind you, I did leave out the more mundane ones. Hey, it's my FAQ, and I can focus on the weirdos out there if I want to.
- No, I don't work for Rysher, and my Highlander stuff isn't the way things would have gone if the series hadn't been axed.
- No, I don't work for Rysher, and my Highlander stuff isn't the way things would have gone if Methos had been given his own series (as far as I'm aware).
- No, I don't work for Rysher.
- Yes, I do my own graphics, except the animated ones. I don't know who designed them.
- No, I don't work for Twentieth Century Fox, and I have no idea if my Ripper series is anything like Joss Whedon's idea of how Giles used to be.
- Yes, I am (almost definitely) either male or female.
- No, I don't feel inclined to elaborate.
- No, I don't work for MGM.
- I have never (to my knowledge) summoned a demon.
- I know very little about black magic, although I am a Harry Potter fan.
- Yes, I am aware that the previous admission is tantamount to a confession of devil worship in some areas.
- No, that last point wasn't in answer to an FAQ, but I thought I'd slip it in anyway.
- I am not (to my knowledge) an Immortal. Neither am I planning on committing suicide in order to find out.
- No, I have no idea who asks most of these questions.
- The red ribbons on the front page are a symbol of support for those worldwide who are affected in any way by the AIDS virus or by HIV. You should have known that already.
- No I do not own a sword (although I do carry a penknife).
- I have never Slayed a vampire.
- Correction. I have never knowingly Slayed a vampire.
- I may or may not be the Chosen One.
- If I am the Slayer, I hereby declare that my sacred destiny allows me to Slay askers of damn silly questions, as well as vampires.
- I have no idea what flavour of ice cream I would be, given the choice.
- I have no desire to know what flavour of ice cream I would be, given the choice. Or, indeed, were ice-creamhood forced upon me against my will.
- I am very likely either homosexual or heterosexual. Possibly even both. Then again I may be neither.
- I was born in 1975. However, due to inflation, I am now over one hundred years-old.
- If you really must know, my eyes are blue and green on the outside and brown in the middle. Does that qualify as hazel? That would be good, 'cause hazel scares off bad witches. (Further consultation informs me they have yellow bits too. Not sure what that signifies).
- No, I don't work for MTM. Remington Steele was cancelled in the eighties, you know.
- No, I'm not planning a Star Trek page. Not unless you don't mind me blowing up Captain Kirk, and giving command of the Enterprise to Ensign Chekov, anyway.
- No, I'm not planning a Next Generation page, nor a DS9 page, nor a Voyager page.
- No, I'm not a Star Trek fan. Used to be, but not anymore.
- Peter Davison is my favourite Doctor. It's a generational thing.
- I'm British, yes. It's the U's in 'colour' that give it away, isn't it.
- "When I grow up" I would like to be Marcus from Babylon 5. Or possibly Cyclops from The X-Men (but not the wet twerp with the boring uniform from the movie). Oh, or Arzon from Visionaries! That'd be cool. Little Joe Cartwright... I'd settle for Doctor Who's glamorous assistant so long as I get to travel in the TARDIS.
- Favourite books... Graham Chapman's A Liar's Autobiography; Jack Kerouac's On The Road; Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast trilogy - and about a hundred others! Best of all is John Goldsmith's Return To Treasure Island.
- Favourite TV shows... Well I have left one or two clues lying about the site! The A-Team is my all time favourite. More recent ones are probably Buffy, Angel and West Wing, with special mention for Doctor Who, Quantum Leap and especially Babylon 5.
- No, I can't take other people's stuff on my site, 'cause I don't have the space, or the time to go through it all; but if you want to write stuff and show it to the masses (or the few, whatever) my advice is to go to Fanfiction.Net and/or Fictionpress.Com. They will take your stuff and display it, and give you the chance to get independent reviews. Usually these are constructive, and since a wide range of people use the site, you're sure to find people there of your own age. I've been putting some of my stuff there lately, that didn't seem to fit in anywhere here, and I can vouch for it as being a good place to pick up opinions on what you write.
- If you want to write, do so. Practice is the best teacher. Read a lot, learn good use of grammar, find a style that works (and is readable!). Try to think of what you most want to read, and then write it. Chances are that there are other people out there who share your tastes. Work on descriptions and motivations, and on making dialogue sound real. One overlooked (but actually quite important) point is names. Think equally hard for peripheral characters, 'cause it sounds awfully lame if you have a string of them called Bert, Fred and Harry (or whatever). Honestly, it's no good you saying "I wish I could do what you do." Trust me, I am not all that good at this. But you could be, if you try.
- I get quite a few comments on my 'beta reading', so it makes sense to mention that here. Yes, I do consider it important. I don't know about the rest of you, but if there are too many mistakes in something I find it pretty annoying to read. Paragraphs are important, so's getting your apostrophes in the right place. Remember the difference between into and in to; maybe and may be. It all helps.
- And yeah, I do realise that I've just resigned myself to getting loads of my own mistakes pointed out!
- And finally, what do you mean, 'Why Xenon?'! It's my name... Actually I picked it up originally because of its chemical identity. It's a noble gas, which means it avoids mixing with other elements, and I'm the antisocial type :) . It's Greek for 'the alien', which I liked; it's also a nightclub favoured by Freddie Mercury back in the eighties... But basically I just like it. It doesn't give too much away.