"He's always in trouble, hadn't you noticed?
It amuses him."
These stories were all written before the 1996 film starring Paul McGann, and therefore some feature an "alternate universe" Eighth Doctor. There seemed little point in trying to rewrite them for a different Doctor following the film, so I left them as they were. Despite the general misgivings about the plot of the TVM, we all seem to be in agreement that the official eighth Doctor was very good, so I apologise for sidelining him, but these were all written for a fanzine in the years when there was considerable doubt that there would ever be "New Who". And now, of course, there is Even More New Who! Which makes these stories even more of an anachronism, really. I include them now solely for nostalgic reasons, as I wrote them when I was still at school - (so my apologies for some truly awful plotting and grammar). Should any of you care, had the BBC for some reason decided to film an obscure fanzine floating around my school in 1992, the alternate Eighth would have been played by Paul Jones. Largely, I suspect, because he plays a mean harmonica, and was starring in Uncle Jack at the time. And apparently that was popular with a certain group of teenagers in 1992...
In addition, several of these stories do not feature the Doctor. They are a spin-off, based around what might have happened to Mike Yates after his last real appearance on the show, back in Planet Of The Spiders.
______________ If you prefer to save these files before reading them, save as HTML files, or the fomatting will be lost. This often makes the stories unreadable.
______________ The Hand Of Omega The Zooid Invasion The Androids Of War The Time Of The Daleks The Voice Of Infinity The Deadly Alliance Timehole The Maze Of Enigma The Battle For Planet 209 The Cities Of Gold Echoes
(Seventh Doctor and Ace)
(Eighth Doctor and Ace)
(Eighth Doctor and Suzy)
(Eighth Doctor, Suzy and Adam)
(Eighth Doctor, Suzy and Adam)
(Eighth Doctor, Suzy and Adam)
(Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa)
(Fifth Doctor, Tegan and Nyssa)
(Mike Yates and K'anpo)
(Mike Yates and K'anpo)
(A Whistlestop Tour Through The Doctor's Early Life)