Silks and Other Clothing

 -(lit. 'slave beads'): slave jewelry, usually consisting of plain metals, colored string, wooden orcheap glass beads-

  -Simple, poncho-like slave garment, about 18" wide camisk, Turian (noun): a style of camisk worn by slaves in the city-state of Turia; cloth shaped like an inverted 'T' with a beveled crossbar fastened behind the neck & falls before the wearer's body; the crossbar then passes between her legs & is then brought forward snugly at the hips; it is held in place by a single cord that binds it at the back of the neck, behind the back, & in front at the waist-

 -Baggy pants of diaphanous silk, worn by slavegirls of the Tahari; similar to the harem trousers of Earth-

 -The strip of black leather, some 6 inches by 5 feet long, worn like a breech- clout over the curla by the slavegirls of the Wagon Peoples-

-Any of several iron or steel devices that fit around the neck of a slave; in Torvaldsland, they are of iron, hinged, and fastened with a rivet-

-The red waist cord worn slave- girls of the Wagon Peoples; supports the chatka-

-Vest of black leather worn by the slavegirls of the Wagon Peoples-

-an ankle length dress of white wool, split to the belly, which kajira, known as bondmaids, of Torvaldsland are dressed in-

-Short tunic of black leather worn by the male slaves of the Wagon Peoples-

-strip of red fabric worn as a headband by the slave girls of the Wagon Peoples-

*Pleasure silk*
 -Sheer, clingy form of silk worn only by slave girls; wraps like a pareau, with a disrobing loop at the left shoulder. Some color silks may denote specifics on the slave that wears them.

*White Silk*
 -The white silk slave in the books was a virgin though on irc it has come to mean a slave that is merely reserved for her/his Master/Mistresses sole use. Generally permitted to serve drinks and food and conversation but sexual use is forbidden and corporal punishment is at the hands of the owners. Masters and Mistresses insulted, may embarrass,confine or display the slave, but may not strike in any way nor permit another to do so.

*Red Silk*
 -the mark of a pleasure slave...may generally be used by any who desire her/his usage but may be reserved for the sole use of the owner. A pleasure slave is considered to be well trained to please in all ways sexual, service wise, dancing, and are closest to the houris of the arabian harem.

*Yellow Silk*
 -Denotes the Tavern owned slave..her/his use is rented and negotiated with the Tavern owner and may include sexual favors at the owners descretion.

*Grey Silk*
 -State owned slaves

*Black Silk*
 - the mark of an unowned un-purchased slave.These are an irc invention and have no basis in the books themselves.

*Slave bells*
-Tiny bells which give off a sensual shimmer of sound; threaded by the dozen on thongs or chains, they may be tied or locked around a girl's ankles or wrists, or attached to her collar; are worn or removed only at the whim of a master-

*Slave perfume*
-Perfumes designed to be worn by slave girls; they are heavier and more sensual than those designed for free women-

*Slave rag*
-See Ta-Teera-

*Slave veil*
 -A small triangle of diaphanous yellow silk, worn across the bridge of the nose and covering the lower half of the face; it parodies the heavy veils worn by free women, as it conceals nothing and often arouses the lust of masters-

-a one-piece, sleeveless, short slave garment; also called the slave rag-

*Thrall tunic*
-a short tunic of white wool which the kajirus, known as thrall, of Torvaldsland are kept in-


*Dance Collar*
-a collar to which light- weight (but effective) chain has been attached in order to set off the dancer; a common type consists of a large oval of chain roughly 3 yds. in circumference, to which wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs are attached; once the two sides of the oval have been attached to a ring on the collar, the chain gives about 36" of play for each hand, and 18" play for each foot; much used in the Tahari-

*Lock Collar*
-a hinged collar easily removed by the use of a key; usually of flat stock, c. 1-1/2" to 2" high; usually worn by trained slaves; the lock has one pin for each of the letters in the word 'kajira'-

*Message Collar*
-A collar of Turian design with is tight fitting and of leather in which a message may be enclosed within-

*Plank Collar*
-a two-piece board hinged at one end and capable of being locked at the other, similar in operation to the stocks of 18th-century America and England; it has two or more semi-circular holes cut in each side so that it may fit around the necks of more than one slavegirl or captive free woman at one time-

*Plate Collar*
-collar of flat stock which is hammered about a slave's neck; usually worn by untrained slaves and slaves from Torvaldsland-

*Turian Collar*
 -a slave collar of cylindrical stock, rather than the normal flat stock of northern lock collars; fits more loosely that a lock collar, enabling it to turn around the wearer's neck-

*Shipping Collar*
-a loose, generic collar worn by slaves when being shipped as cargo-