has been a kajira from mid 1996 this is some of her journal and how she came to her gorean life

          During a warm summer's day this one packed a fine picnic lunch, some wine, and a blanket to sit upon. Heading for the water edge just past the talendar fields she found a spot to rest, relax and enjoy the tranquility. Taking out the blanket and smoothing it over the sandy ground, she placed the basket beside her and soaked up the sun for a while enjoying the harmony of the birds singing and some good wine.

          Feeling the warmth in the sun's rays, she laid upon her belly. Resting across the rug as her delicate tiny hands cradled her chin and cheeks within their warmth, she focused on the slowly descending sun that was creating the most beautiful sunset she had ever seen. Mesmerized by its splendor she comfortably drifted of into a wonderful slumber, dreaming of romance and happiness.

          Startled by a noise she was woken suddenly by what she thought to be the sound of shackles rattling, she opened her eyes and found a tall strange looking man towering over her.

          Slightly frightened but strangely feeling safe she sat bolt upright, pulling the blanket to cover her naked tanned body this 1/2 man 1/2 machine introduced himself as "IMNAK" doorkeeper to the Gorean_Talendar_Inn.

          This one looked at him curiously wondering where the exquisite sunset had taken her in her dreams. With no words spoken he placed his large hand out and helped her to rise to her feet, with his other hand he gently stroked her face and nodded with a smile, she then knew she was never to return to her old home again.

          Standing in a doorway to a beautiful place she asked permission to enter, that is where she was welcomed by her sister's kyra, miya and chrisy. The girls have shown her the ways in her new life and during her travels this one has learnt a lot from others like bina and fyree (who is now Mistress LadyFyree Free Companion to Master R-Flagg) and also shirin{DH} (now known as Mistress Lunitaria) who shares a special bond with this girl and a deep loving friendship.

          Once she had met these sister's and took lessons from them, practiced every day and her learning progressed, she and her sisters felt it was time and silver was now ready to travel, serve and explore other places.

         This one had met many Masters and Mistresses. The first Master she had ever met was Master ^Talion^ he was kind and spoke of many things here in this Gorean world, he has advised her in many ways on her journey and she holds a special place in her heart for Him with the highest of respect, devotion, and trust. She has made many friends in her New World, like, Master Ganelon^ the owner of the Inn and Master Avvin the FirstSword, also Master Jezyrack, and her new found sisters which have become part of her life and who have helped her out many times in her travels through her Gorean life.

          During this ones travel's she got lonely for her sisters, and their Masters, companionship so returned to the Talendar only to beg for the Inn's kolar as she had enjoyed serving there.  Her feeling of being "welcomed" warmed her heart and made her feel at home, with this she was more than happy to please the Masters and their guests by serving with pride, honor, respect and devotion.

          There was one Master in particular that stood out from the rest, she had begged him for his ko-lar many times but he has said "once she betters her knowledge and is really certain that it is what she wants then he would consider it, but until then he thought it best that she waits until the time is right." This one held those words close to her heart and it is what inspired her to learn more and practice harder so she can be pleasing to all.

         silver was kolared to Master Messick for three months but (due to unforeseen circumstances such as timing on here) their time together became less, but precious, therefore she asked for her release as she felt she could not serve his much needed desires with perfection as she had wished to.

      silver still holds a great deal of respect and devotion to Master Messick as she does to all Masters and Mistresses, she tries her hardest to please and hopes that one day she will become as talented as her sisters are.

          You would recognize this one by her bubbly personality, her singing and the chiming of her finger cymbals which were a gift from a Mistress, sometimes she gets called "silly silver" as she does all sorts of silly little things now and then. But as they say... "Practice makes perfect" and if you can be patient with this one she will only improve in time like a good Ka-la-na.

silver wore the kolar of Master ^Talion^ from August 19 1998 and was known as silver{MAT}, for many months. before silver was released on the 24th March 1999
~~ silver-wings wishes you  a life filled with love, happiness and harmony as her heart will always hold a treasured place and the embers of her belly will always burn for you~~

            This one hopes that one day she will have the pleasure to serve you and meet you at Gor on the Isles, which is her loving home at The Isle of Shadows   or in the Gorean Inns on dalnet, austnet, gorean net.
Take care and may happiness travel with you always.

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(This Site Has Been Here Since Dec 1996...Thought It To be Time For A New Look)
 Visitors Since 6th February 1999

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