Hello, I am Captain Ardra Vash, and this is my ship. I am pleased that you have decided to pay us a visit. I hope you decide to play as well..:)

Somewhere in a sector of space known as the "TRIANGLE", the Mighty Osiris serves as the last best hope for medical aid. On her is a crew trained in every imaginable area of medical care, and given the latest in medical instruments and supplies next to none.

Hail Thee Oh Mighty God Osiris, and protect thy namesake henceforth.

"I am Osiris Onnophris who is found perfect before the Gods. I hath said: These are the elements of my Body perfected through suffering, glorified through trial. The scent of the dying Rose is as the repressed sigh of my Suffering. And the flame-red Fire as the energy of mine undaunted Will. And the Cup of Wine is the pouring out of the blood of my heart, sacrificed unto Regeneration, unto the newer life. And the bread and salt are as the foundations of my body, which I destroy in order that they may be renewed. For I am Osiris Triumphant. Even Osiris Onnophris the Justified One. I am He who is clothed with the body of flesh yet in whom flames the spirit of the eternal Gods. I am the Lord of Life. I am triumphant over Death, and whosoever partaketh with me shall with me arise. I am the manifester in Matter of Those whose abode is the Invisible. I am the purified. I stand upon the Universe. I am it's Reconciler with the eternal Gods. I am the Perfector of Matter, and without me the Universe is not."

Visit the links page to visit other "Triangle Sim Group" participants

The Osiris is a proud member of the "Triangle Simm Group" rated PG13. Come on in and sit a spell, look around and see if there is a position open that you would like to fill. We are always looking for new players, so come on, give it a try. Just click on the Crew Roster and you can see what is available. When you have decided what you like, just send a complete bio for your character direct to me CaptnAVash@aol.com. Make sure you provide the following info.

1. The position you are applying for
2. Name of your Character
3. Lifeform of your Character (ie. Vulcan, Romulan/Human..etc...)
4. Sex of your Character
5. Age of your Character
6. Height of your Character
7. Weight of your Character
8. Hair Color of your Character
9. Eye Color of your Character

Next, please send a biography for your Character and please be specific.
1. Background of your Character: Tell about your Characters home life, parents, and siblings your character might have, what Planet your Character was born on. Mainly just a description of what life for your Character was like growing up. I'm looking for at least a full paragraph, one or two lines will not be sufficient.

2. Training of your Character. Example: Entered Starfleet Academy at the age of 17 and
graduated 4 years later after specializing in Flight Control. Again, please be as specific as possible, one or two lines will not do.

3. Interests of your Character. Example: Likes to listen to Klingon Opera...plays the Vulcan Ka'athra...etc. Here you may provide only one or two lines of information, your
character may not have very many interests...:)

4. RPG experience that you have had as a player...list ALL previous RPG experience you have had. NOTE: If you are new to the world of E-mail RPG, not to worry...I offer wonderful personal training for beginners...not at all hard, just fun...so COME ON, JOIN TODAY!!!!!!!!!! Visit the links page to travel to other members of the "Triangle".