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It starts out in a construction site....

Well Animorphs is a story about 5 kids on thery're way home from a normal night at the mall. They decided that it would be a quicker route home if they cut through the abandoned constrution site. Tobias (one of the kids) saw a light up in the sky. The light got closer and soon they realized that this light wasn't an airplane but actually a spaceshup. The ship crash landed infront of them. Out stepped the andalite Prince, Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul. He was bleeding badly from a fatal wound. He informed the teenagers of an outside alien power called Yeerks. The Yeerks were out to make the planet earth into a barren waistland and make all the people on it into slaves. In a desprete attempt to save Earth from this horrible future Elfangor gave the kids the power to morph into any creature they acquired. Soon after that Elfangor ws bruitily murdered by Visser 3, leader of the Yeerk invasion force. Now the group of kids (the Animorphs) are the only people in the way of the conquest of Eath. Their names are:


Jake is the leader of these make-shift warriors. He was chosen by the others because of his natural talent to make the right desicions in tough situations. He isn't an unfair bossy leader either. Infact he doesn't even think that he's the leader. Since he is the leader he earned the title of "Fearless Leader" or "Prince Jake". Ax was the one who gave him that nickname.

Jake's best friend is Marco and his cousin is Rachel. They both are part of the Animorphs. Jake has a crush on Cassie.

Jake's brother,Tom, is a controller (controller means he has a Yeerk in his head. Becuase of Tom Jake has a more personal reason to fight.

His first morph ever was his dog Homer. But his favorite morph is a tiger. Jake's other morphs are: lizard, perigrine falcon, flea, wolf, trout, dolphin, seagull, lobster, ant, fly, roach, skunk, bat, race horse, hammerhead shark, rhino, mole, misquito, leeran, dragon fly, man.


Rachel is the warrior of the group. She constantly wants to rush into battle without a plan. Her favorite line is "Let's do it" or incase Marco predicts what she's going to say she uses "Let's go for it". Rachel looks like a model but she has some kind of wild amazon warrior instincts locked away under her pretty face. This personality gave her the nickname of "Xena Warrior Princess".

Rachel's best friend is Cassie. Jake is her cousion and she has a crush on Tobias.

Rachel's imediate family are not controllers. Well as far as I know. Although her cousion Tom is a controller her sisters, Jordan & Sara, and her mother are not.

Rachel's first morph was an elephant. but her favorite morph is her grizzly bear. her other morphs include: bald eagle, shrew, wolf, trout, dolphin, seagul, fly, roach, great horned owl, rat, termite, skunk, bat, crocodile, hork-bajir, race horse, hammerhead shark, mole, misquito, flea.


Marco is the jokester of the Animorphs. Without him some of the Animorph's might just give up. Marco brings joy into the groups on some of their crazy and difficult missions. His favorite line "This is insane" appears in almost every book. Marco only has one nickname that isn't used very often. The nickname is "spiderman" I'm not sure how he got this name but it has something to do with his often ridiculous arguments with Jake.

Marco's best friends with Jake. They've been friends since they were babies. Other then Jake he didn't know any of the other Animorphs until that faithful night.

Marco has a personal grudge with the yeerks for taking his mother. 2 years ago his mother "died" but in actuality she had been taken by the Yeerks. Throught those 2 years Marco's dad was so upset about losing his wife that he ended up in a slum on the bad side of town. On the aniversary of Marco's mother's death his father finally pulled himself together. Marco now knows that his mother is Visser 1 or the head Yeerk. Marco almost quit but now he's more determined then all the others.

Marco's first morph was a gorilla. Marco's favorite morph is also the gorilla. His other morphs are: osprey, wolf, trout, bald eagle, dolphin, seagul, lobster, ant, fly, roach, great horned owl, mouse, termite, skunk, irish setter, wolf spider, bat, llama, race horse, hammer head, mole, misquito, leeran, cobra, flea, man.


Tobias has no exact classification. Although he does make a good look out and he thinks in different ways. Becuase of Tobias's unfortunate incident involving the Yeerk pool, he is now stuck in red-tailed hawk morph (explained at bottom). Tobias's accident has earned him the nickname "Bird-boy".

Tobias had no real friends till he joined the Animorphs. His best friend now is Ax. Plus Tobias kind of likes Rachel.

Tobias has always been a loner ever since he was a child. Since he never really knew his parents his life was split up between his divorced uncle and aunt who live across the country. They are not confirmed as controllers or not. His actual parents history is a long story.

Tobias's first morph was his cat, Dude, but his favorite morph is his red-tailed hawk morph. His other morph's include: raccon, hork-bajir, himself(don't ask), race horse, hammerhead shark, dolphin, seagul, fly, mole, misquito, roach, rabbit.


Cassie is the one with the most morals. She seems to think about the meaning of what missions the Animorphs go on and what effect it may have on people. Cassie also has a rehabilitation center with a barn filled with ingured, sick, orphaned, and abused animals.

Cassie's best friend is Rachel. She didn't know the other animorphs till Elfangor came. She has a crush on Jake.

Cassie's family consists of her father and mother who are belived to be free. Cassie has a hard time dealing with the stress of Animorphs and once she quit. She didn't have the same personal reason for fighting untill she met Karen.

Cassie's first morph was a horse. Her favorite morph is also a horse. Her other morphs consist of: osprey, wolf, trout, squirrle, dolphin, seagul, ant, fly, roach, great horned owl, hump back whale, rat, termite, skunk, bat, Rachel, race horse, hammerhead shark, mole, misquito, leeran, caterpillar, flea.


Aximili-Esgarroth-Isthil (or Ax for short) is the only Animorph with the knoledge about other races and certain devices the Yeerks have. Ax makes his home in the woods with Tobias. He eats grass by absorbing nutrients through his hooves while crushing the grass. Ax's nickname, besides Ax, is Ax-man. Don't ask, Tobias just called him that once and now it's his nickname.

Ax's best friend is Tobias. He takes Jake as his prince (an andalite custom). He doesn't really relate to the other Animorphs as closly as Tobias and Jake.

His family are not controllers. They live light years away and an andalite would never let him/herself be taken by a yeerk. Except for Alloran but that's another story. Ax is little brother to Elfangor. Ax's duty now is to kill Visser 3 for murdering his brother.

Ax's first morph was a great white shark. But his favorite morph (debatable) is human. He goes a little crazy with taste because he has no mouth. Ax's other morphs are: Ant, fly, roach, great horned owl, mouse, flea, northern harrier, rattle snake, termite, skunk, wolf spider, bat, race horse, hammerhead shark, mole, misquito, leeran.


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