Meet WarriorsHearts

We are continualy updating this page, as there are always more of us coming to the surface, as it were. Some of us may make our own pages, and some will contribute their perspectives on themselves and others.

a part of rimbaud:i am a shadow to Rimbaud. i watch over her shoulder and step in to take care of things at times when she cannot.

Accacia: she is anorexic, as well as somewhat bulimic (if we eat she throws up sometimes), and has a great deal of self-hate and body image issues. she is around sixteen.

Alice: black, in her late thirties to early forties, she has something of a southern accent. she speaks her opinions honestly, and takes care of children. she considers herself, "no' much on book learnin' but wise i' the ways of life".

alice:little girl in the blue dress, such a queer little girl said the rabbit. ..

allie:a fearful young girl, she is between 5-7, usually five or so, who went through a great deal of pain at the hands of the cult. she hates bells. she is tomy's sister.

Anatashi: one of our vampiric alters, she is about 16-20something, she has a hssing sylibant voice and typing style, rather dark and sensual. she has become more. . . restrained then she used to be.

Andrea: She is perhaps 27 and dresses well and takes good care of the body and appearence. She enjoys taking care of things and helps some of the kids. She is one of our more feminine people, and enjoys doing household chores, dressing femme and "keeping things in order".

animal child/Graywolf:recently, she underwent a condsiderable change, and is now calling herself "Graywolf". She is still a child of five-seven, and cares much for animals. But she does not consider herself "human" as much anymore, and although she is withdrawn in a different way then she used to be, she is less stuck her own world. or perhaps it is a different world she is in now. she is planning to do her own webpage. She really likes ElfQuest and took her name from a character in an ElfQuest story (she especially like the idea of "sending" to wolves and whatnot). She also really likes Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar books (and is currently helping us in a Valdemar roleplaying game we're in).

annie:she is about five or six. although she has many memories of abuse, she is beginning to explore the world as a safe place and somewhere she can have fun. she has a physical tentativeness akin to that of a wary animal. she also likes to hide in closets. she really like stuffed animals and Lisa Frank toys.

the Battalion:they are Warriors, some of whom will be listed seperately here. they work directly under Erin or one of his "lieutents", and are responsible for keeping the Deep Ones at bay inside and out, as well as "maintaining the struggle for the Light." Some of them are: Caretaker (aka Righter), Sunrise Warrior, Sunset Warrior (aka Shade), Depth, Poisent, and many others.

Cassila:she is Wiccan and very much female. Strong-willed and ardent in her convictions, she is something of an activist and is very much concerned by women's rights issues.

Cheli:her age ranges from about seven and slightly younger to about thirteen. She went away for a year or so and came back the age she is now (twelve/thirteen-ish) and sometime wants to write about what happened to make her older. She's always cared for the other children a great deal, though she seems glad she's had to do this less of late. She has a disturbeing fascination with Hello Kitty and wears far more pink then most of us would.

The Colder Twin's Mirror Image:cold and emotionless, she exists only and forever to protect her charge. she will not reveal which which of the Twin's she protects, perhaps out of concerns for their safety.

The Coldest One's: we describe them as our resident sociopaths. They care nothing for anyone, aside from the children they were created to protect. We have an agreement with them, however, at this point.

Collecter:I hold knowledge, and collect, as my name implies, bits and pieces of information, especially of poetry, songs, quotes, etc. I was originally a Surface person, and in the world a great deal, but because of very extreme experiences was forced to retreat inside. I grew up there, unlike many of the children. I am about thirty or perhaps a little older (yes, I am older then the body). I am now beginning to deal with "my" past and the pain of it, and am out quite a bit. I try to help people, as much and when I can. I enjoy art and literature, and am something of an artist. I also enjoy learning, as much as I am able. The others say I am a bit detached: I have to be.

Collin:Hello there. I've been around, oh, since the body was about four or so. Not been too active in the Outside world much until just lately. I wander around a lot inside. . . Hmmm, think I'm gonna write a bit about some of the places I've been and such there. What do I do? Lots of things. (I'm human, btw, which isn't such a gaurentee around here after all). I look about seventeen, although actually I'm quite a bit older (think there's some Elven blood in my family, and possibly some leopardi, but that's a looong story).

the Concentration Camp Children:they were made to remember and accept as their own the biological male's memories of being in a concentration camp, as well as a great deal of the more severe of the abuse. most of them present strongly as autistic.

Cyndric Allen: a young boy, about six-eight or so, adult for his age. He lives in a world of knights and dragons, and likes astronomy and aliens, as well as Star Wars and computer games. (He's quite bright, he passed our astronomy class for us!).

DARK: He is the "re-programmer" of the group, having once been a cult programmer but now striving to help those inside udoe their programming. He is a Protecter, Knowledge Keeper, Keeper of the Keys and Gaurdian at the Gate. He knows a great deal about the cult and keeps some of those still cult loyal in check and constrained. He speaks deeply and resonantly, and has a perchance for odd capitalizations.

darkling: she is 16 and one of our few teens. she was 'created' because we were never really given a chance to be a teen, and is quiet but not very depressive.

Darkness:he is a vampire, although he usually confines feeding to our OtherWhere. He has dark hair and eyes, and likes to dress in black. He enjoys poetry, particularly the Romantics and Rimbaud. He is very goth and enjoys such pursuits, yet he also is very helpful to the system at many times. He also has a much more sensous female side, who is quite bold in her tastes. . . He also has a very amusing and sardonic wit.

DarkSun:he uses the title Soul of the Ecilpse and is a vampire who resides in the Old City of New Hope, near Lafayette cemetary

David: he is about 16 or so, but is very mature for his age. He is something of a protecter, and is very honest and truthful. He takes care of children, and has a perchance for country music and speaks in a slight southern drawl.

Delirium:she is named after the character from Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, and lives up to that name. She is obsessed with serial killers, and used to upset both inside and outside people a great deal. She is a child of perhaps seven? ten? and is somehow connected to alice and the tunnel children.Rose Walker lives behind her.

the Detective:He is about mid to late thirties. He walks with a distinct limp and has a coarser voice then many of us. He admires and relates well to police and law enforcement officals, and is a protecter and Gaurdian. One of his duties is the solving of problems. He enjoys, in his rare spare time, reading mystery novels. He is also a big Sherlock Holmes fan.

dog:a ten to elven year old who thinks she is just what they said she was, worthless and useless. that's how she got her name. She hates herself a great deal. she cares about very little in life, aside from wanting not to be hurt, though she expects to be. she has little or no regard for herself, but she is begining to realize that perhaps the world is not so bad as she believed. she is very scarred from the past and tends to cut and bite herself.

Dog Child: she is young, very animalsitc. It is possible she is not human at all but actually a young, somewhat feral dog/wolf.

Earl Chadwick (Chad):one of our Englishmen, he is formal and rather proper. His sister is Lady Elaine Chadwick, who is one of the few people close to him. Of late he has developed a fascination with H.P. Lovecraft, and has taken to decorateing his manor in Lovecraftian style.

Emelia: she is very self-assured, very confident and very much connected to Rimbaud (the Mask). She is sensual and not so verbal as some of us, and not scared of being female and assertive. She is much less constrained then many of us, and is Andrea's sister and "other part" or counterbalance.

Erik:I am old, I am young. I am many things. . . I wear a mask, and hide in shadows.

Erin:Erin is a tall, redhaired Irishman who speaks and writes in a thick brogue. He is a Protecter and Gaurdian of the System. He is an ancient Celtic warrior and a very kind, boundlessly caring and endlessly strong person. He is both timeless and ageless, and has always been with us and promises to always remain. He has a strange, Irish sense of humor and is a great comfort and help to us.

Evan and Evane: twins, they are relatively "new", and are a big part of our current Front. she mainly watches and helps when Evan gets into trouble.

Father Daniel: aka Priest or Daniel. He is a Catholic priest, and had some deep conflicts due to that and the nature of the abuse he had experienced. He is confesser and relegious comfort to many of those inside, especially the Christians, and would someday like to be able to attend Catholic services outside.

Gabbie:she is about five and stutters

Gaurd:he does just that, Gaurds and Protects, monitors the Troops and the different battalions, accepts some responsiblities of Officers, and keeps his head on very straight (though underneath he has a good of sense of humor).

Grace:she is Anatashi's sister and is usually co-conscious with her, as her job is to make sure Anatashi doesn't cause too much trouble and to caretake other people. She is kind, caring, quite feminine, and very Christian.

Healer:she was deeply wounded by the things the cult made her do, and nearly killed the body several times in remorse over them. She blames herself extensively for the misuse of her healing gifts she was forced into in her youth.

I.E Translater: this part translates the thoughts/feelings/information inside from one person to another. He has contact with all of us, even those we do not know of yet.

Ireik: he chose his name from Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Phantom, and is somewhat mercurial and dark, like the Phantom himself. He has a tendency towards being obsessive.

Jackson: He is a thirtysomething man, possibly of Southern and French descent. He takes care of and gaurds certian things and forgotten information. He is also scarely ever out. He has a kind of sadness to his manner, as of one who has seen far more then he ever should have had to.

Jamison: he is the Protecter of James and Jamie, and is older then they. He is related to Jackson, and is also of some indirect French descent. He was subject to quite a bit of ritual abuse. He holds the more cognitive part of those memories.

James: he is somewhere between Jamison and Jamie, being neither quite an adult nor quite a child. He is sometimes a young adult, sometimes a child. Him and Jamie are very strongly linked, and Jamie lives behind him.

Jamie: he lives behind James. He is a very young, frightened, although bright child and tends to speak quickly and repeats himself often when speaking (is about four).
Jean:she is very Christian, possiblely Catholic, and very guilt-ridden. She is the guilty, unhappy side of that part of us, and usually feels depressed. She has no self-worth to speak of, and often feels suicidal.

Jeannet:(aka Jeannette) she sees herself as a willowly French woman, and is our internal therapist and clinician. She is parcially responsible with monitoring therapy and the therapist.

The Jedi aka The Soul aka He Who Walks Alone: he is ageless and all ages, and tends to speak in riddles and enigmatic phrases. He is very kind and careing but also very no nonsense, and is close to Seer.

jinny:she is about 6 or so, scared and unhappy. She experienced most of the more heinous abuse by the sister, and quite a bit of cult abuse as well. she was beginning to have some trust in our former t, but then felt the pain of that betrayel all the more deeply. she has been hiding since>
Kingstonsomeone who knows about programming

KNot:I am a trained killer. I was programmed to be an assassin: now, I take care of the others. I am very unemotional and rational: I must be so. I take my name from the Gordian knot: but unlike it, I fight to unravel myself. I am a Protecter, and serve as a Gaurd.

Lady Alexandra: Very much high society, she is someone most comfortable in "refined company" and insistent on imaculate surroundings.

Lady Elaine Chadwick:She is very social, very socialable, very nice and polite. She is refined but not classist.

Larson:male, very collected and informative. Strong personality. He writes prose, and is a Gatekeeper and oversees a group of alters. He "hears" things through his duties and thereby picks up lots of information.

me: helo! i is me. i is cloz 2 cheli an i is mebe abot 5. i is veri strong, da oders sey. i kan tak car uv stuf an stil hav fun an be'd hapi an i know Lord DARK an he is my frend.

meme:about five or so, she hides inside and seems afraid of everything and everyone. she can and does speak, but trusts almost no one aside from the few others inside she knows and lives with. Her caretaker is Darren and she lives in a small cottage with him inside, much like Donna's cottage on the father's Land.

Lilith: I was part of the cult activities, and know a great deal about them and how the cult works.

Musician:one of his only interests is music, from classical to industrial to celtic. he is learning to play the piano, and has a bit of a temper. he is a fierce perfectionist and serves to distract himself and us and to soothe in the firey intensity of dedication.

Mute: she is about 6 or so, and does not speak. she holds memories of some severely traumatic things and DOES NOT talk. however, she is also rather social, for one of the children, and is slowly becoming more accustomed to the outside world. she greatly enjoys playing games of all types, particulary social ones such as board games or card games. she finds it frustrating that outsiders do not understand why the body has suddenly stopped speaking. About a year ago she had a very unpleasent experience with someone we met and has been hideing somewhere inside since then. I hope she will come back soon.


Myth:she is somewhat ageless, having the manner of a child yet obviously being more then that. She is not an Elf, but has Elven blood, and interacts with the world and goes on "adventures" and "treasure hunts" for them. She is very fun-loving and high-spirited.

Nobody: she is perhaps sixteen, and wants to harm and kill the body. She feeds off the Host's despair.

Nothing:she is a teenager who hates the body very much, and enjoys self-injuring. She does not consider herself part of the body or the system, and tries to harm the Host as much as possible. She dislikes people and finds their presence "unnerving", particularly those who care about the system.
side note: there are two Nothing's, the other one is listed below.

Nothing:she is sixteen, and was "born" at about twelve. she aged with the body up until age sixteen. she was present a lot the summer we tried to commit suicide. she is very Goth. she is also very depressed. she doesn't like people in large numbers but is okay with them in smaller groups. she has a problem with si.

Numb: she is just that, perfectly and utterly numb. she tends to take over when we are unable to function and coldly and matter-of-factly do whatever needs to be done.

The Nuns (all are members of the Sisters of Mercy):
Sister Marie Theresa
:she seems to be something of a spokesperson for the nuns, and often writes for them.
Sister Marie Katherine, Sister Louise, Sister Bridgette, Sister Cathleen, Sister Bridgett Louise, Sister Farraday, Mother Mary

poet: poet is. . .just that. she speaks in an odd poetic cadence, and prefers to write. s/he is very in touch with much of the children's pain and feels often alone. sometimes s/he feels comfortable sharing her work with others, as it is her main form or communication.

priestess:someone with quiet a bit of SRA knowledge

the Programmer:it is basically an organic computer. it plans, carefully arranges things, and is currently involved in 'de-bugging' the System. it is also very interested and pleased with mathematics and geometric patterns, and likes fractals.

quiet one:i am about 12, sometimes younger. i dont like to talk to Outside people tho i can. i enjoy making collages. some of the others say im autistic. i dont like people very much in 3D life, but on the internet theyre ok.

rain girl:she likes the rain and water, and storms. she isn't afraid of them, like a lot of the rest of us are. she also likes to swim a lot.

RAGE:she is a vehicle for a great deal of our rage at all of the torments we have suffered. she exists to protect us from that anger and to be able to use it against aught that might harm us.

RazorSharp:she is very mathematically inclined, and enjoys science and classical music. She has greater physical ablities then many of us, and can do amazing amounts of math in her mind.

Remember:a keeper of knowledge, who helps

RSLVE:he is very strange and very hurt and only beginning to emerge from his long silence. He tends to refer to himself as "it" and has a great deal of trouble with communiating with others.

sara:she is about 5, scared and unsure of herself and the world. She strives to care for the other children and the rest of the system, particularly when Cheli is unable to. she is generally relatively cheerful and very much a mother hen sort.

Seer: a blind old woman, who sees a great deal of both the Inside and Outside worlds.

Shad:he is in his early twenties, and is a write, artist and poet. He is very emotional and dramatic, although given towards melancholy. He is also gay, and has a very dramatic "queeny" side to him at times. He has a very good sense of humour when not being moody. He and Daniel tend not to get along well.

shade: she is about 15, a very angry and hurt part. she is one of the few who tends to yell and get upset over things, usually at anyone or anything in her way. however, she is aggressive as a way to stave off the sadness and pain she holds, which she is just beginning to deal with. (she is also known as Sunset Warrior)

Shade: he is male, and older then she (late twenties). he suffered a great deal of traumatic SRA experiences and blames himself for what he was made to do. However, he is beginning to overcome his guilt. He was a "doctor" in the cult and feels much pain over what he did there. He very strongly connects with the Holocaust and tends to come out and be very morose when we read or watch anything to do with it.

Shane: He is a midtwenties male, pretty, and a vampire. He is very nice, very cultured, and interested in art and music (he both writes and paints). However, he is at times prey to deep depressions and hopelessness.

Sheila:she is a thirteen year old prostitute. her purpose is to please others, so that we shall not be hurt. she hates herself deeply and feels worthless. However, she is beginning to learn how to care about herself.

shelli:she is a young and hurt child, although she is much more innocent then her experiences belie. she is not the same person as Cheli.

silenze:she is relatively "newly" out, and has not gotten used to the outside world yet. she tends to cringe and hide from human contact, and repeats things aloud or in her head to calm herself.

Soldier:he Gaurds and Protects. He is calm in any and every crisis, and knows what to do. With him comes an absolute and brutal honesty and the brusque manner of a soldier.

Songsmith: she is one of the Elves, and sings as well as plays various instruments. She is something of a spokesperson for them; while many of them cannot come Out into the World, she can if needed (though she wholey dislikes doing so), and is less Deep then many of them. She is their Heir and Princess, their Keeper. (She also has a perchance for Gail Baudino and Mercedes Lackey books). She tends to wear colorful, flowing clothing.

some more of the elves:Wingshadow, Firestorm, Shadowsong, Laywing, Cat'ssound, Eluweyan, and Terril

sponge: i am a sponge (no, not a sea creature). i absorb things. i absorb feelings, thoughts, memories etc. i come out when the fronters can't deal with things (though i can at other times). when it is too hard for me to contain it all i go back to my Well and let it all leak out of me, to begin anew, not remembering at first who i am.

Teen:she was created at the melding of our two previous teen parts, Teen Girl, who was very bubbly and naive, and Nothing, who was suicidal and depressed, as well as a Goth. her current whereabouts are unknown.

Thyme:he wears grey robes and walks down dusty hallways, but what he searches for, and why, I do not know. . .

tomy:he is 4, very fearful and distrustful of things in general. He gets scared easily and fears adults, and tends to like curling up in a ball and hideing. He really likes toy trucks and sandcastles and going to the beach. He also really like kittens and has a kitten inside he likes to play with, and is really excited that we might be getting hamsters someday. he is allie's brother.

the Tunnel Children:they include strange, sewer rat, whiskers, ratling, sewer girl, and others

The Twins:(age five) they are more then one yet less then two, not quite either. One of them often speaks for the other: I do not know if they have seperate names, as they are rarely out. One speaks with a lisp, the other very slowly and hollowly. They generally like things in two's, and are particularly fond of pretty flowers (pink and purple one's are favorites, though so are daffodils), parks, fields of grass, etc. They enjoy the outdoors, listening to birds, playing with small animals and such. They are very scared of people, particularly large adults.

Valentine: a protecter, he hails from somewhere in the Dark City, near New Hope

The White Rabbit:she is frightening and very strange. She is extremely distrubed, and the place she lives inside is. . . unspeakably awful. She has a lot of connections with Alice in Wonderland.

the Woman:she is a mysterious female figure, caring for and nurturing many of the children, yet rarely coming "out".

YOU CANNOT KNOW: she has a name, but will not use it, and has another internal name but again, will not allow it to be written. she is a teenage cult loyal alter.