No Suspects
Welcome to Da T.H.U.G.S. - Online!
No Motive
Da Thugs

"All things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal or fattening."

--Alexander Woolcott


This place is a memorial for an organization called Da Thugs. It was a group of 8th graders that got together and found the truth. Which was that everyone, no matter from what type of background they came from, had a stereo type to be exploited. And causing a little trouble to pass the time.

Later, growing up to be vagabonds and doctors, well . . . the growing up process is still going on. But the vagabonds part seems to be the favorite choice so far.

What does Da T.H.U.G.S. stand for?:
Totally Halarious Uncontrolablly Gross Scum.

Please come back soon and visit this place often. For sooner than you know it, we will all be living the "American Dream". Where we all are married, have 2 cars, 2.5 kids, and on our second mortgage.


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05.07.04--Website is now ad-free. Hopefully I will finish what I planned to finish nearly a YEAR ago.
08.07.03--The Sweet THUG 4th of July pics will be arriving soon. Got my copy of 'jejogo - free demonstration 2003' playing and I'm ready to hack at that HTML.
02.17.03--Damn talk about TexMex taking his time updateing this website! Armed with the DreamWeaver MX and some time I've changed this site once more. I have breathed life into my project and saw that is is good.
--The main page has recieved a long time needed update thanks to me learning a little about DreamWeaver 4.0 The NEW message board is up and running. Thanks to NoBone for coming up with something to post.

06.12.01--DuckGod2000 is complete and ready for public viewing. The message board is down until further notice. It seems that the ".com" hosting that I had picked filed for bankruptcy. It sucks, but I will find something new.

03.23.01--New button! DuckGod 2000. Its a preview of the THUG Christmas reunion. Flash 5 movies are on the way. I just need to learn how to use the damn thing!

03.01.01--THUG Archive has all new year book pictures of all Da THUGS. I think its been too long not having the right pics up there!

09.30.00--New button. Welcome to Detention was added. So was some very nice Flash 4 movies added that don't really have to much to do about detention.

09.06.00--The Offenders link has new pictures and new format when you click on the pictures. Even cheesy descriptions was added!

08.26.00--Well, this damn box was added to let you, [the viewer], know just what the hell I'm updating!



The Private Lap Dancer
p.s anyone have paper towels?




Home | THUG Archive| Message Board | DuckGod 2000 | Welcome to Detention
Alamo Cam | The REAL Story | The Oppresors | Da 'Other Stuff' | Buy Stuff
  © 2003