Druwynn Endren, Follower of Heironeous (Tyr) Half-Elf, Lawful Good Paladin 4 / Monk 8 Basic Statistics Start Lv 12 Temp Str 14 14 (+2) 14 (+2) Dex 16 16 (+3) 16 (+3) Con 10 10 (+0) 10 (+0) Int 14 14 (+2) 14 (+2) Wis 15 +3 18 (+4) 22 (+6) Cha 14 14 (+2) 14 (+2) P M C A M Fort 4 6 2 0 3 = 15 Reflex 1 6 2 3 3 = 15 Will 1 6 2 6 3 = 18 +4 bonus vs. all enchantment school spells Immune to Sleep spells and effects Evasion Immunity to Fear Languages Common Elven Celestial Draconic Special Abilities: Turn Undead, as Cle 1, +2 to turning check, 5/day Lay on Hands, 8 HP/day Divine Health Aura of Courage Paladin Spells, level 1, 2/day (CL 2)(Align Weapon, LG only) Ki Strike (Lawful) BAB +10/+5 AC 10 4 8 3 2 = 29 Init +3 Speed 60 ft Combat Abilities Unarmed +14/+9, 2d6+3 (19-20/x2) Flurry +13/+13/+8, 2d6+3 (19-20/x2) or by weapon Sai +13/+8, 1d4+3 (20/x2) Nunchaku +13/+8, 1d6+3 (20/x2) Grapple: +12 Disarm: Sai +21, Nunchaku +19, Unarmed +14 Stunning Fist: Fort Save DC 20, 10/day Smite Evil: +2 hit, +4 damage, 1/day Feats 1 Combat Expertise 3 Dodge 5m Stunning Fist 6 Mobility 6m Combat Reflexes 9 Weapon Focus: Unarmed 10m Improved Disarm 12 Improved Critical: Unarmed Skills (Pal 28, Monk 48) P M TR A S M Tot Balance 5 5 2 2 9 Key Description Climb 5 5 2 2 9 P Paladin ranks Diplomacy 5 5 2 4 2 13 M Monk Ranks Gather Info 2 2 4 TR Total Ranks Handle Animal 5 5 2 7 A Ability Mods Heal 5 5 6 2 13 S Synergy Mods Hide 5 5 3 8 M Misc Mods Jump 5 5 2 2 5 14 Tot Total Bonus K: N and R 5 5 1 6 K: Religion 5 5 1 6 Listen 5 5 6 1 12 Move Silently 5 5 3 8 Perform: Flute 6 6 2 2 10 Search 1 1 2 Sense Motive 3 2 5 6 11 Spot 5 5 6 1 12 Tumble 5 5 2 2 9 Equipment Item No. Wt. Loc Cost +1 Sai 2 2 Belt 4602 +1 Nunchaku 2 4 Belt 4604 Ring of Protection +2 1 - Rt Hand 8000 Periapt of Wisdom +4 1 - Neck 16000 Bracers of Armor +4 1 1 Wrists 16000 Mighty Handwraps +1 1 1 Hands 6000 Monk's Belt 1 1 Belt 13000 Ring of Sustenance 1 - Lt Hand 2500 Cloak of Resistance +3 1 1 Cloak 9000 Boots of S & S 1 2 Feet 5500 Wooden Holy Symbol 1 - Neck 1 Handy Haversack 1 5(56) Back 2000 Grappling Hook 1 (8) Sack 4 Rope, Silk, 100' 1 (10) Sack 20 Climbers Kit 1 (5) Sack 80 Bedroll 1 (5) Sack .1 Monk's Clothing 2 (4) Sack 10 Hooded Lantern 1 (2) Sack 7 Oil Flask 5 (5) Sack .5 Soap, pound 1 (1) Sack .5 Healers Kit 1 (1) Sack 50 Flint and Steel 1 - Sack 1 Shovel 1 (5) Sack 2 Torch 5 (5) Sack .05 MW Flute 1 (3) Sack 100 50 Plat, 17 Gold 1 (2) Sack 517 Lost, spent, or given .85 TOTAL 17 (+56) 88000.00 Druwynn Endren, age 44, member of the reclusive Holy Monks of Heironeous (Tyr), has lived a long life, despite his half-elven heritage. In the beginning of his life he was a child born into a world of strife. When he was seven his homeland was overrun by barbarian horde, leaving only a handful to survive the slaughter. His brother, sister, and parents were brutally slain by the horde, leaving him alone in a dark, destroyed city. It was then that he vowed revenge against the horde. His vow struck a chord with his god, who decided that the child has the gift of a strong heart. It was then that Druwynn felt the call that guided hin to the Church at Delomas, where he would undergo the training to become a holy man-at-arms, the Paladin his heart yearned to become. His desire of vengeance was abated by the teachings, allowing his mind to be clear of the hate and the anger. For twelve years he labored in the Delomas church, learning the true tenets of being a holy knight, learning how to properly groom an animal, how to interact with nobles, and how to heal the wounded with medicine. He used some of these skills as an attendant of the church, practicing what he knew on simple injuries and finding great success. Upon reaching his 21st birthday Druwynn was ordained a Holy Protector of Heironeous (Tyr), charged with the defense of the faith, sanctity of the free people, and the destruction of true evil, wherever it may be. Armed with faith and a new ability for combat Druwynn took to the plains around Delomar to hunt out the sick, the wounded, and those who needed to be brought to justice. He kept the plains peaceful for well over a year, helping those needy of services. He would spend one day assisting in the harvest, while the next chasing a band of thieves from a local merchant's home. His days were filled with a quiet happiness for what he was doing. His own self-respect was enough to keep him going forever. The horde cane from the North the second time through, and by the time he had recieved word they were almost halfway into the country, well past the third marker. He knew that few lived North of that marker...the barbarians were brutally efficient nowadays. Armed with sword, shield and horse he took the front of what would be the last defense of Delomas, for every man and stromng boy stood on the line, ready to defend his home. As the barbarians advanced he felt a strange sensation flowing through him, one of almost terrifying proportions. He felt that no defense would stp the horde from marching across his land, regardless of how many men they had. He stopped and prayed for a moment, trying to feel something from above, but only felt one thing...the sudden urge to charge headlong into combat. The cavalry received the order to flank, and Druwynn knew his place. His detachment circled to the right while the others circled left. Once they were in place the chaos ensued. The Delomas infantry had no idea it was coming. A sorcerer from the barbarian horde summoned a tornado right into the center of the defending army, eradicating most of the men within a minute. Disrupted, the rest of the formation shattered like glass as the barbarian hammer fell. The cavalry was set against, and only seven riders survived the first charge, causing minimal damage to the barbarian front. Druwynn was rendered unconscious during the first wave. In the foray his right arm and left leg were broken as he was trampled over. He had a punctured lung and a concussion as well, which made matters worse. Druwynn was dying on the battlefield. When he awoke he found himself lying on a firm down matress, staring up at a well-lit stone ceiling. Attending to him was a human man dressed in simple garments. His name was Recard Willman, a brother of the Holy Brotherhood of Heironeous (Tyr). The order was a monastic one, choosing a life of spiritual exploration over one of politics and politicking nobles. Aster having the basics explained to him, he felt at home among the brethren. It took very little for him to fit in, as the paladin's code and the monk's code were not that dissimilar. The one line that appeared within both codes weighed the most heavy on him. "If death is upon you, and another with a holy heart brings you from death back to life, your life is due him for seven years, or until such a time that you are released by him." By the code, he owed this man his next seven years, and he willingly accepted that fate. During that seven years he recovered fully, though the six months spent on a bed did not help his combat skills any. His master decreed that he would have no need of weapons for seven years, save the simple tools that the monastery would use. His sword was lost at the battle, his armor destroyed as well, so he felt no loss for them. He learned martial combat as it was in the beginning, with his hands and feet. Over four years he learned the monk's way of fighting. He felt compelled to complete this training, for his master was indeed well-practiced and was willing as well to teach. Druwynn had to relearn many things that he had known from his paladin's training, but in the end they complimented each other. At the end of his seven years he was offered a choice, to either stay at the monastery and life peacefully, or to leave and return to the world. As Dru pondered the question he remembered back to the oath that he took as a paladin. He still felt obligated to that oath, although he had left that path seven years ago on the battlefield. He could still feel the power within him urging him to continue on with his personal quest to protect the weak and vanquish the evil. He thought for a week on the matter, and in the end, he decided to stay another seven years, to complete his training, and move on. Seven more years of training, this time as a free student. His teacher thought well of him, recognizing that the paladin spirit shone through the hardened body of the monk that Dru had become. Master Recard taught him as much as he could, always trying to tie in the monk tradition with the teachings of Heironeous (Tyr). Dru took it as a constant reminder that time was not on either man's side. After six years Master Recard died of old age, leaving Dru with a simple edict: Go out and fulfill your oath. Left to him were his masters set of sai and nunchaku, both sets he still carries to this day. Master Recard also left him an assortment of magical gear to assist Dru in his quest. Today he adventures because of Recard's wishes, his oath the his god, and a personal fire inside to right the world's wrongs. He still has the inner light of the Paladin shining forth, lighting the dark places of the world.