Thomas L. Milliorn

Thomas L. Milliorn

(253) 752-6280
Fax: (253) 927-4732


MU Press; 5014-D Roosevelt Way NE; Seattle, WA 98105
Comic Book Artist, 11/90 - present
Painted five book covers, including a wrap around oil painting for
Furkindred issue two, Cyberkittes, Rhuddipurt, Wild Kingdom and ZU.
Illustrated stories for the first four issues of the Furkindred anthology.
Drew pin-ups for the three Beauty of the Beast art collections.
Drew comic story Nightrunners for Wild Kingdom issue number two
Inked Fangs of Ka'ath comic book series issues two through five

Wizards of the Coast; PO Box 707; Renton, WA 98057-0707
Freelance Artist, 7/96 -present
Painted eleven cards for the Battletech TCG
Painted three cards for Battletech Counterstrike TCG
Painted two cards for Battletech Mercenaries TCG
Painted three cards for Battletech Mechwarrior TCG
Painted two cards for Battletech Arsenal TCG

Freelance Model Maker, 10/97 to 12/97
Built custom helicopter models for in store displays.

CD Titles; 411 Waverley Oaks Road; Waltham, MA 02154-8414
Graphic Artist, 6/96 to 2/97
Contributing Artist on the Dragons and Dinosaurs , Robots and rockets,
and Atlantis to the Stars II clipart CD Roms

Mindscape Inc; 60 Leveroni Ct; Novato, CA 94949
Graphic Artist, 7/94 to 9/94
Illustrated instruction manual cover for and
Wrote and illustrated comic book tie in for the computer game Metal Marines.


University of Idaho Bachelor of fine art, in Art, class of 1988


Displayed and sold artwork at science fiction conventions since 1982,
including full sized oil paintings, acrylic paintings, watercolors,
pencils, pen and ink, and photo prints
Taught miniature painting classes at local game store
Rendered computer animations for science fiction conventions and fan groups
Self published two issues of "Anomalous Threat" comic book

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