The Darkness#2
Jackie gets a "flashback" about all the previous users of the darkness, the Angelus'
plan is revealed, Jackie visits his uncle Frankie in the hospital, "Vinnie" is introduced.
Jackie visits the statue of Liberty, [meets Sonatine and]
the Brotherhood of Darkness, refuses to co-operate [as in helping them take over the world]
and thrashes most of them. Goes to the bar and picks up a blond "model".
Introduces Butcher Joyce who is "cleaning up" the mess (of angel bodies)in Jackie's appartment.
Sonatine and his "brothers" show up at the appartment revealing the "model" to be an angel and
the fact that Jackie cant have sex. He shreds the Angel and spares Sonatine for telling him that he can make
women who cant get pregnant. Sonatine shows him a picture of Jenny (who they'ed kidnapped earlier), tells him to
get into the car, and takes him to a wide open space with lots
of light. -The Angels attack.
Jackie's stuck out in the open in the bright light, powerless.
Sonatine tells him that one of the Angels (the mortal Angelus created as her "familiar")
is non-bullet-proof. He shoots her outta the sky and taking her hostage,
escapes with Sonatine and Wenders, leaving the Angelus screaming for revenge.
Kills the Eastwood Bothers (guys who shot his uncle) and Vinnie (who turns out
to be the traitor!) Jenny tells Sonatine about her connections with Jackie.
Jackie visits Franchetti in the hospital and finds out the truth about his past.
Meanwhile Sonatine and Jenny watch them in the scrying pool. Franchetti tells
Jackie to get a "good woman" (suggesting that she be Jenny) and
Jackie replies, "It'd be like having a thing for your sister. Jenny screams for the pool to be shut off.
Meanwhile Angelus' "familiar" escapes and accidently gets "chopped into seafood" trying to escape from Jackie.
Infuriated with the turn of events, The Angelus attacks, but seeing her warriors fall one after the other, withdraws, vowing revenge.
Putting Darkus in Wender's pants, (to evesdrop on Sonatine) Jackie contacts The Angelus challenging her to the final showdown.
Jackie and the Angelus Queen finally meats under the Statue of Liberty. Sonatine, Wenders, Jenny and the brotherhoods waits as well. Jackie gave a signal to Wenders and wenders threw a smoke grenade to Jackie. By that, Jackie used the Darkness and trapped the Angelus Queen into the head quarters of the Brotherhood (Jackie's world!). They fought and the Angelus Queen used up all her powers and died because of that. Then, Jenny suggested leaving the cave. But later, she didn't just leave the cave, she also left for Portland. She was afraid that Jackie might do very terrible things with the Darkness (when he is already the best killer in the mafia) so she left and hope Jackie will do a little good.
The End
The old Jackie is back! He is, again, killing for his Uncle Frankie! But he's trying to get women off his mind. Trying to fill the emptiness of his life, he tries to use the Darkness to make a woman, but failed. So he went to Keysers but left as soon as he arrived. While walking away, some men attacked him. Feeling pissed, he killed those men and left.
A lead in to the Family Ties. The story starts when the two families (the Yakuza and the Franchetti) are making a truce. While, at the same time, the death of Sadayuki (By Jackie).
The next day in White Plains, a Ninja visited the place and gave the girl, who was there, a big knife. It was used for Jackie's head.
Back at the Sadayuki's place, police are investigating but is going to give up the case. But Jake thought it to some investigation. Don't think he will give up that easily.
This is the first part of the Family Ties. So we will have to start at Witchblade. It starts at the future, talking back two days ago. Two days ago, Sonatine meats Bruce Wilder. Then, Sara Pezzini talks to Emiko (a female massager), for clues of a murder case (and turns out to be Jackie Estacado)
One day ago, Sara gave Jackie a visit, and so did the Yakuza. More Yakuza came so Jackie finished them off on the way through the Lincoln tunnel. Tora is waiting for him on the other side. To be continued on Darkness#9
The second part of Family Ties. Tora met Jackie and fought him, but was surrounded by the italian cavalry.
Sara Pezzini met Bruce Wilder in the Cauty Tower. Bruce tells her what was going on and that she'll be involved.
Sonatine meats Ian Nottingham and persuades Ian to help him.
Part 3 of Family ties. In the American Museum of Natural History, Tora, Jackie, Sara, and Ian is having a war. First, Tora wanted to kidnap a woman called Setsuke. Then, Jackie came for the same girl. Sara then came wanting to get everything in order ended up fighting with Jackie. Then, Ian came and took both of their powers (the Darkness and the Witchblade).
Jackie haves a nightmare and Wenders wakes him by ringing on the door bell continuously. Wenders suggesting on serving him also suggesting that if Jackie likes, he can serve him whatever he saw fit. For that, he ended up in the bin.
Appolonia comes back from her studies. She wanted to find out the dark secrets of Jackie so she kidnapped Wenders. She invited Mr. Vespasian for help and at the end, she got what she wanted. Which can mean the death of Jackie Estacado.
Darkness #12
Wenders tells them about the fight between the Angelus and the Darkness, then he take a break. Don Franchetti and Jackie takes care of two men who did business in his area without asking for his permission. Butcher comes to finish the job and tells Jackie about Franchetti's wife (because Jackie wanted to know). After the break, Wenders finishes the rest and in comes Sonatine.
Later in the night, the Franchetti family (not the whole mafia family, just the 4 person Franchetti family) have dinner together and, surprise surprise, in comes Sonatine again. This time, he held Don Franchetti hostage.
Sonatine slams his hostage to the table, making him faint. Jackie attacks but was hit on the head by Apolonia. Next day, Jackie was tied up and Mr. Vespasian comes in. Reveals Apolonia's story. Wenders pulls down the drapes for Jackie and Jackie kills Mr. Vespasian. They go to Sonatine, where he summons the Angelus. The Angelus, who is supposed to choose Apolonia as its host, but chose her mother instead.
The new Angelus is born. The Angelus attacked Jackie when he turned into the Darkness to save Apolonia from her. Sonatine knew that the Angelus' powers are uncontrollable and what ever she touches will burn, but he blamed it on to Jackie.
Jackie went back to his mansion and asked everybody to get out of the house. Soon later, the Angelus came and killed Jackie. But the Jackie she killed was a fake.
Introduces the Magdelena. Jackie goes to the hospital and tells Frankie that the answers he asked for will be answered.
Jackie goes back home just to be attacked by the Magdelena.
End of Part One.
Darkness #16
Short conversation between Cardinal Innocent and Cardinal Jasper about taking credits. Jackie and the Magdelena are still fighting and breaking some things (the Spear of Destiny and that total surround sound Dobly digital laserdisc player and wide screen television system). After fighting inside-out, they arrived into a toy shop and the real game begins.
To Be Continued...
Darkness #17
Jackie and Magdelena's still fighting. Then they took a break and did something else (Magdelena telling Jackie her history and Jackie killed some cops when they came.)
Cardinal Innocent and Cardinal Jasper meets again for the same subject, credits. But Cardinal Innocent seem to have some plan behind him...
To Be Continued...
Darkness #18
Jackie's pissed and now it's pay back time! To a superb end, Jackie showed them ladies who's the BOSS!
Darkness #19
Jackie's in the Most Wanted list, dead! So, everywhere that Jackie went, the killer's sure to go (including the toilet). Despite all that, he still have to fetch a girl called Necoleta from the air port, yet the girl could be harmful, to...
To Be Continued...