This is a true story from where i grew up, Ventura
California, in the early 1800's there was a huge fire near
a campsite that is now called camp comfort, the firemen
arrived and began to battle the blaze, as the men went
deeper into the inferno a fireman caught on fire, before
his fellow firemen could help him , he ran off screaming
into the woods still on fire, Ever since the early 1900's
there have been sightings of a creature who was burned
black with patches of fire burning on him and smoke still
rising off of him, the most famous incedent happened in
1952, Agroup of teenagers were driving to camp comfort ( to
make out more than likely ) When then rounded a bend in the
road CHARMAN was standing in the road, They hit him and
send him careening off into the woods, the all panicked and
drove to the nearby police station, When the police arrived
on the scene they found burning footprints all over the
area, the footprints trailed off into the woods in the
irection the teenagers last saw charman, the chief of
police examined the teeenagers car and there was a huge
dent in the hood, it was covered with char marks........
the end.
Allen Simmons july 17th 1998.