Is Bigfoot Real? That is a question I'm sure at least one
of you is thinking. Aren't you. Come on now, admit it. The
rest of us are either true believers or discard the thought
like a dirty rag. Those of us that do believe in the
bigfoot phenomena know that the fact speak for themselves.
Let's take all the proof that bigfoot believers have have
come up with.
Photos and Films
There are films and pictures of bigfoot taken everywhere
across the world. Many a clever hoax, others are other
animals mistaken for bigfoot. So we have the hoaxes and we
have the Patterson/Gimlin Film shot on a 16mm Kodak video
camera, by a rodeo clown. In the film it shows a large
creature resembling visually a gorilla rather than a human.
How would you explain this? Most skeptics would say it is a
simple hoax. It is just a man dressed in a gorilla suit. As
he wore that suit he danced around and did the marvously
realistic Sasquatch Shuffle. That is all possible but did
Patterson and Gimlin go through the troubles of giving the
famous bigfoot breasts as it is seen in the Patterson tape.
If they did this then how did they find footprints to make
casts similar to those found that exact area. Then, finally
if they had done all of this where did they find someone
large enough to play a 7+ ft bipedal, upright standing
How would you explain this? Most skeptics would say it is a
simple hoax. It is just a man dressed in a gorilla suit. As
he wore that suit he danced around and did the marvously
realistic Sasquatch Shuffle. That is all possible but did
Patterson and Gimlin go through the troubles of giving the
famous bigfoot breasts as it is seen in the Patterson tape.
If they did this then how did they find footprints to make
casts similar to those found that exact area. Then, finally
if they had done all of this where did they find someone
large enough to play a 7+ ft bipedal, upright standing
It couldn't have been a Hallucination and they couldn't of
lied about it because we all know you can't film a
hallucination or a lie. Maybe it was another creature that
was mistaken for a bigfoot. It certainly wasn't a bear a
bear couldn't walk like that and they certainly don't look
like that. Maybe it was a gorilla, now that could be true
if we live in China or India where there are gorillas that
roam wild, but here in the Pacific Northwest I can speak
knowingly that there are not large primates walking around
in the woods behind my house. Or anyone's house in this
area, I am absolutly sure of that.
So what does everyone see. Read on to find out. Sightings
People spot the elusive bigfoot all over that country at
all times of the day and night. Though it is believed that
Bukwas is primarily nocturnal creatures. Thousands of
reports are submitted every year, read and checked for
credibility. Out of those thousands only about 1/8 to 1/4
are really looked into. How would youe explain all these
sightings. Some could be a mistaken bear or large creature.
Others could be hallucinations or maybe they are just plain
lying. Some maybe cause by drugs and drinking but I can't
speek for me and my family. When we saw that bigfoot none
of us had been drinking (most were too young anyways, those
that were still are) and I was not tired or unhealthy in
any way. I know I was not halluciating beacause four other
people saw it too. Unlike some people I don't believe in
mass hallucination. So you explain it for me. I believe it
was Bigfoot.
Hundreds of track casts are brought in every year around
the world. These tracks are in the sizes much larger than
any normal human. There are some exceptions. For example:
Shaquille O'Neal or a Spokane, Washington teenager couldn't
find shoes to wear because no one carried size 28. Even if
there were these exceptionally large footed people walking
around in the woods they wouldn't resemble bigfoot tracks
because their feet are too thin.
Maybe there is some elite organization unkwon to all of us.
Hundreds of people spread across the nation and the world
whose only thoought is to cause question and doubt amoung
us. Walking through the mud and the dirt with their hand
made footprint casts that are in their own personal shape.
Everyones is different. My thoughts exactly, NO WAY!
Ok the people that find them make it. WHY?? To get fame and
fortune. Not hardly. You will probably get a little
recognition from the few people that research bigfoot and
when they do find out you faked them and they will they'll
know you as a lier and a hoax and never speak to you again.
What is the point??
Hair Samples
This is the confusing part. My father being a cop and me
his son I know that in murder cases if there is hair or
skin under the victims fingernails thay are overjoyed. If
they can track DNA from some hair and skin samples to a
killer why can't they track DNA of a hair sample to a
bigfoot. That is just my question.
Well my question has been answered. There are currently
hair samples being tested. All of the samples that have
came back were listed as "UNKNOWN PRIMATE".
All I have to say is that facts speak for themselves. If
you just think logically and follow the facts the only
answer left is that there is a large 500+ lbs animal that
is or 6 ft average creature that walks on two feet standing
upright or slightly stooped over. This animal is
uncatalogued as a known and respected creature of the
animal kingdom.
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