A 128 Year Old Story Taken From
Friday, November 18, 1870
1870 Their Appearance - The Story Of An Old Hunter A
correspondent of the Anitoch Lady, writing from Grayson,
California under the date of October 16, 1870 says: "I saw
in your paper, a short time since, an item concerning the
gorilla which is to have been seen in Crow Cannon, and
shortly after in the mountains at Orestimba Creek. You
sneered at the idea of their being any such critters in
these hills and were I not better informed I should sneer
too, or else conclude that one of your recent prospecting
parties had got lost in the wilderness and didn't have
sense enough to find their way back to Terry's. I
positively assure you that this gorilla, or wild man or
what ever you chose to call it is no myth. I know it exists
and that there are at least tow of them having seen them
both at once not a year ago. Their existence has been
reported at times for the past twenty years and I heard it
said that in earlier days, an ourang-outang escaped from a
ship on the southern coast but the creature I have seen is
not that animal and if it is, where did he get his mate? -
-import her as the Web foot did their wives? Last fall I
was hunting in the mountains 20 miles south of here and I
camped five or sic times in one place as I have done every
seasons for the past fifteen years. Several times I
returned to my camp after a hunt and saw that the ashes and
charred sticks from the fire place has been scattered
about. An old hunter notices such things and very soon gets
curious to know the cause. Although my bedding and traps
and little stores were not disturbed as I could see I was
anxious to learn who or what it was that so regularly
visited my camp for clearly the half burnt sticks and
cinders could not scatter themselves about. I saw no tracks
near the camp as the hard ground covered with dry leaves
would none. So I started on a circle and the place and 300
yards off, in damp sand I struck the track of a man's feet
as I supposed - -bare and of immense size.
Now I was curious, sure and resolved to lay for the
bare-footed visitor. I accordingly took a position on a
hill side about sixty or seventy feet from the fire and
securely hid in the brush. I waited and watched. Two hours
or more I sat there and wondered if the owner of the feet
would come again and whether he imagine what an interest he
had created in my inquiring mind and finally what possesses
him to be prowling about there with no shoes on. The fire
place was on my right and the spot where I saw the track
was on my left hid by brushes. It was in this direction
that my attention was mostly directed, thinking the visitor
would appear there and besides it was easier to sit and
face that way. Suddenly I was started by a shrill whistle,
such as boys produce with two fingers under their tongues,
and turning quickly I ejaculated "good God" as I saw the
object of my solicitude standing beside my fire, looking
suspiciously around. It was in the image of a man, but it
could not have been human. I was never so benumbed with
astonishment before. The creature, whatever it was, stood
full five feet high and disproportionately broad and square
at the shoulders with arms of great length. The legs were
short and the body long. The head was small compared with
the rest of the creature and appeared to be set upon his
shoulders without a neck. The whole was covered with dark
brown and cinnamon colored hair, quite long on some parts,
that on the head standing in a shock and growing down to
the eyes like a diggers Indian's. As I looked, he threw his
head back and whistled again and then stooped and grasped a
stick from the fire. This he swung around and around until
the fire on the end had gone out. When he repeated then
maneuver. I was dumb almost and could only look. Fifteen
minutes I sat and watched him as he whistled and scattered
my fire about. I could have easily put a bullet through his
head but why should I kill him? Having amused himself
apparently all he desired with my fire he started to go and
having gone a short distance, he returned and was joined by
another - -a female unmistakably when the both turned and
walked passed me with in twenty yards of where I sat and
disappeared into the brush. I could not have had a better
opportunity for observing them as they were unconscious of
my presence. Their only object in visiting my camp seemed
to be to amuse themselves with swinging lighted sticks
around. I have heard this story many times since then and
it has often raised an incredulous smile, but I have met
one person who has seen those mysterious creatures and a
dozen who have come across their tracts at carious places
between here and Pacheco Pass.
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