Character 'Isms'  - taken from

Quotes from The X-Files


Mulder: Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's most unwanted.

Scully: Who is it?
Mulder: Stephen Speilberg

Mulder: Tell me I'm crazy.
Scully: Mulder, you're crazy.

Scully: Mulder, did you see their eyes? If I were that stoned...
Mulder: Oooh! If you were that stoned *what*?

Mulder: Spooky! Do you think I'm spooky?

Mulder: Grey. You said green men. A reticulan's skin tone is actually grey. They are notorious for their extraction of terrestrial human livers.

Mulder: You wouldn't shoot an unarmed man, wouldja, `copper?
Scully: Mulder, you are jeapordizing my stakeout!
Mulder: Seeds?

Mulder: I want to believe.

Mulder: How do you like that... a politically correct elevator.

Mulder: Bring your mittens.

Scully: Mulder, you may not be who you are.

Scully: Didn't you want to get his autograph?

Mulder: Enigmatic, Dr. Scully!

Mulder: What's a girl? I got a movie I wanna watch on tv.

Scully: Are you Sally Kendrick?
EVE6: That is not my name, but she is me and I am her and we're all together.

Mulder: Scully! Scully!
Scully: What?
Mulder: I just wanted to open the car door for you.

Mulder: Ten to one you can't dance to it.

Scully: There's something up there, Mulder.
Mulder: Oooh! I've been saying that for years.

Scully: I still don't get it, what does this have to do with us?
Mulder: Robbing a jewelry store is a federal crime.
Scully: Thank you.

Mulder: I'm wondering which lie to believe

Scully: What exactly are we trying to find?
Mulder: Clues?
Scully: Ah!

Mulder: If there's an iced tea in that bag, could be love.
Scully: Must be fate, Mulder, root beer. You're delirious. Go home and get some sleep.

Scully: Mulder, I wouldn't put myself on the line for anyone else but you.

Mulder: They're shutting us down, Scully.


Scully: I had the faith of your beliefs.

Mulder: You shot me.

Mulder: I wanted to believe... But the tool had been taken away.

Scully: Nature didn't make that thing, Mulder, we did.

Mulder: Forty-two-year-old real estate agent murders four people with his bare hands? That's not supposed to happen anywhere.

Scully: You're right.. this drug does induce paranoia.

Melissa: Why is it so dark in here?
Mulder: The lights are off.

Melissa: I don't have to be psychic to see that you are in a very dark place. Much darker than where my sister is. Willingly walking deeper into the darkness cannot help her at all.

Mulder: You know, for a holy man, you've got quite a knack for pissing people off.

Mulder: Whatever tape you found in that drawer isn't mine.
Scully: Good, because I put it back in that drawer with all the other video tapes that aren't yours.

Scully: Mulder, why didn't you tell me on the phone that it was her?
Mulder: Because you never would have let me go through with it.


Scully: Being obsessed with is doesn't mean he could do it.
Mulder: Not unless he knew something we don't.
Scully: Like what, the secret password?

Mulder: Imagine if you could come back and take out five people who had caused you to suffer. Who would they be?
Scully: I only get five?
Mulder: I remembered your birthday this year, didn't I Scully?

Scully: I can't take you anywhere.

Scully: Sorry. I didn't mean to give off any negative energy.

Mulder: Scully, what are you wearing?

Mulder: Bambi also has this theory I've never come across about UFO's.
Scully: Who??
Mulder: Dr. Berenbaum.
Scully: Her name is Bambi?
Mulder: Yeah, both her parents were naturalists. Her theory is that UFO's are actually nocturnal insect swarms passing through electic air fields.
Scully: her name is Bambi?

Mulder: Scully, can I confess something to you?
Scully: Yeah, sure. Ok.
Mulder: I hate insects.

Scully: Mulder, are you sure it wasn't a girlie scream?

Mulder: Crap.

Scully: Sure. Fine. Whatever.

Mulder: Go ahead.
Scully: No, you go ahead.
Mulder: No, no-be my guest. I know how much you like snapping on the latex.

Mulder: This may not be the best time to mention it, but someone in this room is wearing my favorite perfume.

Scully: The bones turned out to be the skeletal remains-not of an infant-but of a beloved fourteen-year-old Lhasa Apso formerly known as Mr. Tippy.


Scully: Why don't I have a desk?
Mulder: What d'ya mean? I always assumed that was your area.
Scully: Back there?
Mulder: Okay. So we'll have them send down another desk, and there won't be any room to move around here, but we can put them really close together, face to face, maybe we can play some battleship.

Mulder: Scully! Should we be picking out china patterns or what?

Mulder: I have a theory. Wanna hear it?

Scully: You're the only one I've called.
Mulder: Is it operable?
Scully: No.
Mulder: But it's treatable..?
Scully: The truth is that the type and placement of the tumor make it difficult to the extreme.
Mulder: I refuse to believe that.
Scully: For all the times I've said that to you, I am as certain about this as you have ever been. I have cancer.

Scully: Agent Mulder died last night.. from an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.


Mulder: Keep going, FBI woman.

Scully: All lies lead to the truth, isn't that right?

Mulder: I'm only half dead.

Mulder: You murdered my father, you killed Scully's sister, and if Scully dies, I will kill you. I don't care who's father you are, I will put you down.

Mulder: Kill me now.

Scully: since you won't be making the conference..
Mulder: Mmm.. PAR-TAY!
Scully: However, I must remind you that this goes against the bureau's policy of male and female agents consorting in the same hotel room while on assignment.
Mulder: Try any of that tailhook crap on my Scully and I'll kick your ass.

Mulder: I'll be back soon and we can build a tower of furniture, kay?

Scully: What would that be filed next to, the cockroach that ate Cincinatti?
Mulder: No, the cockroach that ate Cincinatti is in the C's, mothmen is over in the M's.

Scully: What the hell is it, Mulder?
Mulder: I don't know, but it's smarter than us.

Mulder: I was once told that the best way to regenerate body heat is to crawl naked into a sleeping bag with someone who's already naked.
Scully: Well, maybe if it rains sleeping bags you'll get lucky.

Scully: Peanut-butter sandwhiches?
Mulder: You think balogna would be more effective?

Mulder: What are you coloring?
Emily: A potato.
Mulder: Have you ever seen Mr. Potato Head? He looks like this. (makes face) Doesn't he?

Agent: Kitsunegari. Roughly translated.. fox hunt.
Scully: Fox Mulder.
Mulder: That's a little on the nose, don't you think?

Mulder: I'm going to take a wild stab here and guess. This is a clue.

Mulder: You didn't rent a convertible, did you?
Scullt: Why?
Mulder: Are you aware of the statistics of decapitation?
Scully: Mulder, I'm hanging up. I'm turning off my cell phone. I'm back in the office on Monday.
Mulder: You shouldn't, uh, talk and drive at the same time either. Are you aware of the statistics... hello?

Mulder: Scully?
Scully: Yeah?
Mulder: Marry me.

Mulder: Good morning sunshine.

Scully: (picking up phone) Scully.
Mulder: I thought you weren't answering your cell phone.
Scully: Then why did you call?

Scully: He was dead.
Mulder: I noticed that.
Scully: With a stake through his heart.
Mulder: I noticed that too.


Crump: What are you doing?
Mulder: I'm composing a sonnet-what does it look like I'm doing?

Mulder: That's Mr. Mulder to you, you peanut-picking bastard.

Scully: Mulder, are you ok?
Mulder: Yeah. Aside from terrible cell-phone withdrawl. That and I've gotta pee.

Mulder: Scully?
Scully: Yes?
Mulder: I love you.

Mulder: I was expecting a left.

Frohike: The walls have ears.
Scully: I have ears. Will you tell me what's going on?

Scully: You did something incredibly stupid.

Skinner (1939): God bless America, now get your asses out of here.

Scully: Mulder, it's the dim hope of finding this proof that's kept us in this car-or one very much like it-for more nights than I care to remember, driving hundreds, if not thousands of miles through neighborhoods and cities and towns where people are raising their families and buying homes and playing with their kids and their dogs and-in short-living their lives. While we.. we.. we just keep driving.
Mulder: What is your point?
Scully: Don't you ever want to stop, get out of the damn car, settle down, and live something approaching a normal life?
Mulder: This is a normal life.

Scully: I'd kiss you if you weren't so damn ugly.

Scully: "Baby" me and you'll be peeing through a catheter.

Morris-as-Mulder: I am Tiger Woods.

Morris-as-Mulder: Think she likes us, Tiger.

Scully: He said I was willful, insubordinate, and not a team player.. and the FBI doesn't NEED agents that weren't team players.

Scully: Am I out of my mind? Mulder, YOU are out of YOUR mind! What is up with you? I'm thinking about having you examined for mental illness or-or drug use, or maybe a massive head injury!

Scully: I'm all a tingle.

Mulder-as-Morris: Even that yogurt thing? Oh, that is so you-that is so Scully. Well, it's good to know you haven't changed. Rather comforting, actually.

Mulder-as-Morris: ...unfortunately, her partner-Agent *Mulder* screwed everything up.

Scully: Or... I just shoot you.. baby.

Waigman: Do aliens really exist, Agent Mulder?

Morris-as-Mulder: Back off, sneezy.

Mulder-as-Morris: If I shoot him is it murder or suicide?
Scully: Neither, if I do it first.

Langly: More huevos rancheros.
Frohike: Mas huevos rancheros.
Byers: Por favor.

Scully: Checkouts are worse than rush hour on the 95.. if I heard Silent Night one more time, I was going to start taking hostages.

Scully: I'd love to stay, but the halls are decked-I gotta go.

Scully: What are we doing here?
Mulder: A stakeout.
Scully: On Christmas Eve.
Mulder: It's an important date.
Scully: No kidding.

Scully: I see-the dark gothic manor, the, uh, ominipresent low fog hugging the thicket of overgrowth. Wait, is that a hound I hear baying out on the moor?

Mulder: Christmas 1917. It was a time of dark, dark despair. American soldiers were dying at an ungodly rate in a war-torn-Europe while at home a deadly strain of the flu virus attacked young and old alike. Tragedy was a visitor at every doorstep while the creeping hopelessness set in with every man, woman, and child. It was a time of dark, dark despair.
Scully: You said that.

Mulder: You don't believe in ghosts?
Scully: That surprises you?
Mulder: Well... yeah... I thought everyone believed in ghosts.

Scully: These are tricks that the mind plays. They are ingrained cliches from a thousand different horror films. When we hear a sound, we get a chill. We, we allow ourselves to imagine something that an otherwise rational person would discount out of hand. The whole-Mulder-the whole idea of a benevolent entiry fits perfectly with what I'm saying. That a spirit would materialize or return for any reason other than to show itself is silly and ridiculous. What it really shows is how silly and ridiculous we have become in believing such things. I mean that, that we can ignore all natural laws about the corporeal body. That, that we witness these spirits clad in their own shabby outfits with the same old haircuts and hairstyles, never again, never in search for more comfortable surroundings. It actually ends up saying more about the living than it does about the dead. Mulder, it doesn't take an advanced degree in psychology to understand the unconcious yearnings that these imaginings satisy. The-the longing for imortality, the hope that there is something beyond this mortal coil. That, that we might never be long without our loved ones. I mean, these are powerful, powerful desires. I mean, the very essence of what makes us human. The very essence of Christmas, actually.

Mulder: Why would anyone want to live in a cursed house?

Scully: You know what's weird?
Mulder: What?
Scully: She's wearing my outfit.
Mulder: How embarrassing.

Scully: We can get out of here!
Mulder: Even if we could, what's waiting for us? More lonliness! Then 365 shopping days till even more lonliness!

Mayor: If I'd-a-known you was bringin' the missus with ya, I'd've arranged for fancier accomodations.

Scully: A man. Controlling. The weather.

Scully: My Irish Aunt Olyve has more Cherokee in her than Darrell Mootz.

Mulder: I'm telling you, that cow had my name on it.

Mulder: I do not *gaze* at Scully.

Mulder: He wants advice. Dating advice.
Scully: From who?
Mulder: Yours truly. (pause) Hello? Hey Scully? You there?
Scully: I heard you.. Mulder, when was the last time you went on a date?
Mulder: I will talk to you later.
Scully: Blind leading the blind.

Mulder: I'll build the ark, you gather the animals... I was kidding!

Sheila: You love him, don't you?
Scully: What?

Scully: Well, it seems to me that the best relationships, the ones that last, are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. And one day you look at a person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who is just a friend is the only person you can ever imagine yourself with.

Scully: What are you doing?
Mulder: Bein' nosy.

Mulder: Hi, my name is Fox Mulder. We used to sit next to eachother at the FBI.

Mulder: You're a lucky man.

Mulder: I just think that death only looks for you when you seek it's opposite.

Mulder: Hey, home-girl. Word up.

Mulder: Smokey's got a name.

Mulder: Scully, wanna go one and one?

Scully: This stinks. And not just because I think that woman is a... Well, I think you know what I think that woman is.

Mulder: I woke up soaking wet.
(Scully stares at him)
Mulder: It's a long story.

Mulder: I'm Rob, and this is my lovely wife Laura.

Mulder: Hey-oh-wait a minute, you didn't let me carry you over the thresh-hold.

Mulder: You wanna make that honeymoon video now?

Mulder: Wow. Admit it. You just wanna play house.

Mulder: Woman, get back in here and make me a sandwhich.

Scully: That's right, poopiehead.

Mulder: The thrill is gone.

Mulder: Bring it on.

Mulder: Yo quiero Taco Bell.

Scully: You're not going to tell me that a dog did this, are you?
Mulder: Bad dog.
Scully: Yeah.

Mulder: You get a biscut, Scully.

Scully: Don't underestimate a woman. They can be tricksters too.

Padgett: Agent Scully is already in love.

Baseball Guy: Moose couldn't find the plate if you nailed it to his ass.

Mulder: I scream, you scream, we all scream for non-fat tofouti rive dreamsicles.

Mulder: Hey it's not a bad piece of ash, huh?

Scully: Shut up, Mulder, I'm playing baseball.

Frohike: She's going to kick our ass.

Langly: Byers is trying to kill himself.
Frohike: Stop trying to kill yourself, Byers, it's not deep enough.

Scully: My medical opinion? Beeeeeeep.

Scully: I am gonna kick their asses.

Mulder: Sounds like crap when you say it.

Dales: Don't sneer at the mysteries of the deep, young lady. The bottom of the ocean is as deep and dark as the imagination.

Mulder: I don't know if I'm going to need my gun or a harpoon here.

Mulder: I was just one 'howdy-do' over the line.

Mulder: You know, Scully, someday we're gonna look back on this and we're gonna laugh. We'll just think of it as, uh... you know, man pitted against the forces of nature. Think of it as a test of our mettle.
Scully: I don't need my mettle tested.

Mulder: I'm sorry, I thought this was my office.

Scully (Voiceover): It began with an act of supreme violence-a big bang expanding ever outward, cosmos born of matter and gas, matter and gas ten billion years ago. Who's idea was this? Who had the audacity for such invention? And the reason? Were we part of that plan ten billion years ago? Are we born only to die? To be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth before giving way to our generations? If there is a beginning, must there be an end? We burn like fires in our time only to be extinguished. To surrender to the elements' eternal reclaim. Matter and gas... will this all end one day? Life no longer passing to life, the earth left barren like the stars above, like the cosmos. Will the hand that lit the flame let it burn down? Let it burn out? Could we, too, become extinct? Or if this fire of life living inside us is meant to go on, who decides? Who tends the flame? Can he reignite the spark even as it grows cold and weak?

Scully: I want to talk to him.
Doctor: No, he's a danger to anyone.
Scully: Not to me.


