The MulderTorture Webring

This Webring is dedicated to the proliforation of MulderTorture/MulderAngst Fan Fiction. The MulderTorture Webring is a way to find webpages that are devoted to fanfic based on this radical concept and the characters therein.

What is MT/MA fanfic? Consider surfing over to my site, and checking out the fanfiction there. If this is to your liking, or you have a page with this type of fan fiction, you will definately want to consider joining this webring.

So, you wanna take a look at the ring?

Check out a random link in the Webring.

Or, how about joining the ring?

If you have a webpage that features MT/MA fanfic, you're welcome to join the MulderTorture Webring! BUT, you must have fanfic dedicated to MT or MA on your site!!!
First, you need to save copies of the Webring's graphics, which are displayed below. Second, you need to fill out this form: by filling in the below information, you'll receive via e-mail a site id number, which is used to identify your site. Please fill in all the information; the password should be one that you'll be able to remember easily.


Site Title:

Once you've received your site ID, and saved the HTML code and graphics, you can place the information on your webpage. Then Shirley, the ringmistress, will add you to the webring within 12 hours! That's all there is! If you haven't received notification of addition or rejection within 24 hours, email Shirley to find out why.

Here's a sample of what your site should look like, after you've joined the ring. You do have to save the three graphics, and place copies on your server. Please don't link to these images!! Also, make sure you cut and paste the code that matches the graphics. Any problems,email me and I'll be happy to help,if you tell me which code/graphic set you're using.

Here is the code for the above graphics.Code 1.

For pages with borders,you'll find that these graphics fit better:
Here is the code for the above graphics.Code 2.

Perhaps you're already a member, but you want to edit your site?

Site ID:

You are the visiter to the Webring.

MulderTorture Webring made
possible by the Webring.

Last modified: August 9, 1998

Disclaimer: The X-Files and the characters of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are the property of Chris Carter, Ten Thirteen Productions, and Fox Broadcasting. No copyright infringement is intended. Most sites in the MulderTorture Webring may feature stories with ratings of R or NC-17. Some will also be Slash. Parents and minors have been warned.

Webring for Webring Managers

This Webring for Webring Managers site
is owned by Shirley Smiley.

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