The following pages are graphics-intensive, so be prepared, they may take some time to load. I hope that the wait will be worth it. :)
This world and the kingdoms described herein, are solely of my own creation. The characters are the figments of mine and others' imagination. This story began approximately eight years ago and since that time it has gotten more involved, of broader expanse, and even the kingdoms' borders have expanded. I started this story with only one character. Amazingly enough, the story has grown to proportions which even I had not intended, but I'm not complaining. From it's humble beginnings in role-play, the story of Demetrius LaCrosse and his world has grown and expanded so much that it is my hope to someday get it published.
I cannot take sole credit for this story, nor for all of it's characters. If not for Chele, this story would be incredibly dull and unimaginative. Thanx, Chele. *hugz* You've made this tale into something I never dreamed it could be.