Where I Stand (Maybe)

  1. Cartoons of Mohammed

    I'm glad you asked. All I can say is that it just exposes the ridiculous nature of all major religions: Discordians can draw the Goddess any which way they want, including naked. As I recall, she simply asks that they be semi-flattering depictions (especially if they're naked), and one must remember that certain Greek artists took a rather dim view of Eris and no one hates them for it. Rather, we just pity them and quietly mock them when they aren't looking and act condescending toward them because obviously our religion is better than theirs. Why can't people of the Earth learn from Discordians and draw Mohammed naked too? I don't think I'd personally get into gay Mohammed porn, but I bet many people might. And then there are all those poor repressed Muslim women. Can't anyone think of them?

  2. Politics

    Boring. Terribly boring. Sometimes important, but usually less so than people would like to believe. Always boring. Including Watergate. Seriously, we're all tired of hearing about it. Rah rah reporters, down with Nixon, whatever.

  3. Reliance on Foreign Oil

    I think we should use more oil. Drink the stuff. Bathe in it. Use raw crude as sexual lubricant. Swim in it. There can never be enough oil. And I do not own any stock in oil companies, not even the company of my good friend Sheik (pronounced Shayk by the way) Abdullah of the Consolidated Petrolium Corporation, a terrific company, a terrific guy.

    Seriously though, I think we should switch from oil to a more renewable source of energy. Like slave labor. Sign up with me if you want to participate in a limited test of this potential gold mine.

  4. Global Warming

    Global warming? More like, global hot-tub!

    No, really, I need to stop making jokes and get serious. If global warming means more people wearing less clothes, I could see a positive side: many attractive people live on our planet, and having them wear less clothing can't be a bad thing. There is, unfortunately, also a negative, as there often is in these situations: attractive people are vastly outnumbered by ugly people on this little world of ours. I will even number myself among this group, since I have no real desire to see myself naked, especially in public. When these problems can be overcome, then global warming could be a good thing. Unless it kills us all. Well, actually, that last problem is less of a problem than a solution.

  5. George Bush

    See Politics

  6. Terrorism

    I'd like to take this opportunity to state, for the record, that the Center strictly and devoutly adheres to a "No Terrorism" policy. I define "terrorism" as "anything not funny." The root of the word "terrorism" is actually "terrore," the Latin verb meaning "to squat": terror, terrare, terresti, terrifi, terrini, terrores. "ism" of course, is the Greek word meaning "one who leaks": ante disasta blikmen tarien ism - "Please direct me to the water park." So you can see that the origin of "terrorism" is actually... um... complicated. Which makes its definition complicated too. And there it is.

  7. Abortion

    Many people take the stance here that no stance should be taken because frankly, they're wimps. I on the other hand believe that a firm stance should be taken because I am somewhat less of a wimp. Somewhat.

  8. No, really, Abortion

    My firm stance on the subject is that I am not Pro-Choice. This doesn't mean I'm pro-life either; I am definitely not Pro-Life. What I am pro is the belief that people shouldn't have a choice. If you're too stupid to have children, mandatory abortions for you. If you've already got twelve kids, mandatory abortions all around, perhaps even retroactive abortions if you really push it. If you aren't a woman, definitely mandatory abortions for you. All these decisions to be handled by fiat.

  9. Other People's Opinions

    Quite valid, but usually wrong. I'm not saying my opinions are right all the time; frankly, mine are pretty much batting scoreless at this point. But other people have a very poor track record.

  10. Rants

    Terrific if done well. Lousy if executed poorly. The vast majority of them are in the second category.

  11. Zen Koans

    The Master Joshu once asked a student, "What is the purpose of Zen?" The student, trying to be clever, said, "The oak tree in the garden." Master Joshu nodded thoughtfully. Then, after a long pause, he asked, "But then where is my umbrella?"

  12. Racism

    Not as good as Spam, although that's not my joke. It's true though.

  13. Blogs

    Given that this, when looked at in a certain light, could be construed as a blog, I'm not really in the position to comment. I hate the word though.

  14. Polar Exploration

    Very cold. Colder than pleasantly cold. Also tiring and smelly.

  15. Murder

    Bad. Unless it's a group of crows, in which case, tepid.

  16. Microsoft

    Misunderstood. Microsoft is like Frankenstein's monster; hideous, deformed, cruel, inhuman, capricious, and made up of reanimated dead bodyparts. But it still has a soul. Deep in its black heart there dwells a small iota of goodness and humanity, even after all the world has done to it.

    Actually, Microsoft is just rich. Richer than I am, which means they should be sharing the wealth. With me. Right now.

  17. Video Games

    Addictive, stupid, violent, and not at all fun. Unless I happen to be any good at them, which I'm usually not. It's all a sinister plot by the computer industry to turn a generation of children into brainless automata, doing nefarious deeds with no thought to the consequences. But the plan seems to have backfired a little, since most of the automata are weak, scrawny nerds who are somewhat less impressive physically than a dead mouse. So maybe the video game industry needs to reappraise its strategy.

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