How, you ask?
Well, for starters, I could have just joined someone else's web ring.
But that is neither here nor there. What I in fact wish to address is something a little bit less annoying. I encourage you to take a look around at my competition. I'm not talking about HyperDiscordia or the Principia website, but simply about other, smaller sites. I guarantee, you'll be back. Because you see, while I may be merely a purveyer of drivel, at least it's original drivel, and usually spelled correctly (and if knot that, at leste gramared gud).
But the main thing is, I don't pretend to be solely a Discordian site. Far from it. And I also don't steal, piecemeal, bits of the Principia and act as if they were my wonderful thoughts and mine alone. I'll let others give you the Principia. When I have wonderful thoughts, I'll let you know. I know that Erisians have very loose standards of copywrite, and I'm not saying what other sites do is illegal, but it is repetitious (which is bad unless it's done for a reason) and boring. For this reason, I am stopping this page now because it has become very dull and much to serious, and I move on to dumber and more fashion-intensive things.
And if you like other sites better than mine, you can blow it out your unoriginal backside. Hail Eris, and save some for me!