Hom.Net's response to my email

At 07:31 AM 11/30/98 -0800, you said...
>I would like to draw your attention to the hosted
>site of Robert T Lee.
> >Is it your policy to allow such hatred on your server?
>He believes in death to unbelievers, gays, jews,
>anyone who is unfaithful. (This is someone who wants
>your president killed!)
>He is completely against free speech, unless it is
>within his own vicious ideals.
>He's sexist, racist and I consider him dangerous.
Homenet Communications does not engage in censorship.
While we don't agree with Mr. Lee's ideas (our company
president is Jewish!), we have spoken with him in the
past, and we consider him harmless.

We've received several complaints regarding the content
of his site -and we continue to stand by our policy of non-
censorship of web content hosted on our servers.

Dave Stewart
System Manager
Homenet Communications, Inc.

Well, there you have it. As long as hosting sites are willing to allow this, people like Mr Lee will spread their message of hate.
Please note. I am against censorship in principle. The purpose of this email was to determine whether HOM.NET agreed with Mr Lee. Thanks to further emails with Dave Stewart, I know this not to be the case.
However if you still feel strongly about his hosting, I suggest you give him an email.


I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee