By: Robert T. Lee

Due to amazing stupidity on my part I overwrote my original response to this article. (Act of God? Nah.) So here is another response. -Richard-
At least one principle must be understood and kept in mind when trying to understand certain of God's incomprehensible attributes: the finite is always confounded by its inability to fully comprehend the infinite.
God is the infinite God. Nothing or no one created Him and He has no father or mother. He is without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life. He is the almighty God, and since He is so, there can be no one greater than Him. No one brought Him into existence.
This is what is termed as 'faith', I respect that. After all the 'Big bang' is still only a theory. However there is considerable evidence that a 'bang' occurred. Why it happened? I dunno. And neither does anyone else!
It is impossible for finite minds to understand how God can exist without having a beginning. When atheists and other non believers try to consider God, they try to make the facts about Him fit within their limited capacity to comprehend and understand. They do not want to believe that there is more of God than their minds can contain and comprehend. The endeavor to fully understand God is like trying to place the infinite One into a finite space; that is impossible.
Hold on, isn't this trying to rationalise God with the concept of infinity? Surely if God was incomprehensible then infinity would not apply to him?
But what does the bible say about infinite space...let's have a look at Revelations 21:16.
"The city was laid out like a square, as long as it was wide. He measured the city with the rod and found it to be 12,000 stadia in length, and as wide and high as it is long."
That means that heaven is about 1,400 square miles (about 2,200 square kilometers)
Mr Lee, care to dispute the bible? (Thought not.)

In order to try to make sense of the infinite things about God, they relate God to things they think they understand, and so, they tend to view God according to finite things or as if He were a man or some creature. But since the nature of finitness doesn't fit infinite attributes, or since that which fit creatures doesn't fit the Creator, they mistakenly take what applies to creatures and their inability to comprehend God as proof that He doesn't exist.
In no other area do heathens do this except with God. They are willing to believe there are aliens in the universe somewhere without proof. But with as much proof as humans can comprehend about God, which is quite overwhelming, they nevertheless deny the reality of God's existence.
Due to the vastness of the universe, the age of the universe (of which creationists believe was only 6400BC!) and the vast number of stars there is a strong possibility of life on other planets. Without digressing too far, I would like to point out that there has been more physical evidence of ETs than of God. Aliens? Could be? Funny if they found us all to be 'heathens' and declared an intergalactic jihad!
The fact that finite minds cannot fully comprehend how God exists without having a beginning does not nullify His existence. The reality of the existence of God is not contingent upon our understanding of it. When finite minds find themselves puzzled, confused or confounded about any part of God's existence that's beyond their ability to comprehend, that is proof of God's surpassing greatness. Therefore the inability and the confusion are only normal effects of the finite trying to comprehend He who is eternally greater. Finite minds would have to be infinite to fully understand God. Or to say it better: we would have to be God ourselves in order to fully understand Him. But no one has the capacity to fully understand God but God alone.
How convenient. Infinity is a concept. Like a number which is also a concept. A number has no mass, weight or value. It defines a quantity and enables us to comprehend bigger than 'one'. Numbers don't really exist except in our minds. In order to comprehend something as hugely impressive as the creation of a universe, we designed a concept that would cover all avenues of thought. Ta DAH! Allow me to introduce God(tm) Now that will stop those pesky cave dwellers from asking too many questions.
Let it also be pointed out that the infinity of God proves His existence and that He is not a god created by the imagination of creatures. Since the minds of creatures are finite, they are only capable of devising a god of the imagination that fit within the confines of their finite imagination. The finite mind cannot create a god of the imagination that's beyound its own capacity to comprehend. It would not create a god it is confused, puzzled and confounded about. Since God is beyond the ability of finite minds to comprehend, He cannot be the product of finite minds.
So the premise of this argument is that if we cannot understand something, it must exist?(!)
God is not an equation. Though if he was I'm sure he would equal zero. I heard that somewhere on a newsgroup, thought it sounded appropiate.


I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee