By: Robert T. Lee
GOOD MORNING CLASS: Today I would like to direct your attention to a
principle we have labeled: "PROVING THE EXISTENCE OF GOD BY
In everything atheists do in their denial of GOD, they nevertheless prove His
existence. For example: Pick up your dictionaries and look up the meaning of the
word "infidelity." We all know what this word means when we apply it to marriage.
It means to be disloyal in heart and deed by turning from your legally married
partner to commit the death worthy acts of adultery with another.
The concept of "infidelity" always presupposes the EXISTENCE of a spouse the
unfaithful one has legal marital obligations to. There can be no such thing as
"infidelity" when the spouse doesn't exist. Therefore the unfaithful one proves the
existence of his or her spouse simply by their infidelity to their marriage.
I think we can see where he is leading here...(sigh)
In relation to the above facts, it should be clear how atheists prove the existence of
God. Many of them label themselves as "INFIDELS." But their blindness prevents
them from realizing how appropriate a label they have given themselves and how it
really effectively establishes what they have set out to disprove.
This is amazing logic. But let's read on...
To be an "infidel" proves the existence of God. The word has no real meaning if
God doesn't exist. The absence of God destroys the concept of being an infidel.
The word should not be rationalized to be a misnomer. The only reason the
concept exists is because God exists. Just as a man hates his spouse and turn his
affections to another woman and commits the act of adultery with her, so atheists
turn from their rightful Creator and turn their affections to satan, the world and their
flesh. And just as the unfaithful husband denies to his adulteress that he is not
married and does not have a wife, so too, atheists in their infidelity to God deny
His existence and their ever binding legal responsibilities to Him.
Ok. Let me just destroy this logic right now!
The term 'infidel' was the term given to christians (yes Mr Lee, that's correct!) by followers of the muslim faith. This insult was regularly traded between the two faiths. (Petty huh?) It was only until relatively recently has the term been applied to atheists. So christians are also infidels. Next point, I suppose if I called myself a 'realist' that would by default confirm the existence of fairies and unicorns. Sorry, but I don't believe that God can be proved by a play on grammar.
All mankind originally became infidels in the first man Adam when they fell from
their created state of purity in which God originally created them. Once they are
born into the world, they continue the process of infidelity throughout their own
lives unless they are fortunate to come to their senses and turn back to God - their
first love.
The principle and concept of the word infidel is found throughout the Holy Bible.
The word can also be found in 2 Corinthians 6:15 and 1 Timothy 5:8. Please take
the time to check out the Greek word and how the Holy Spirit employs its
The reason that atheists adopt the term infidel is because it is what we have been accused of. (The bible also calls us 'fools' but christians consider it less of an insult.) Some christians will actually find it offensive that we proudly call ourselves it at all. There's no pleasing some people.
By the way when you look up 'infidel' in the bible it just generally resorts to name calling. (Oooh, how upsetting. And yet strangely predictable...)
I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee