By: Robert T. Lee
Imagine for a moment that you could listen to or talk face-to-face with satan about any subject that has
to do with God.
Ok. Lets just try this....
Now bring to remembrance everything you have ever heard atheists say against God. (Or if you are an
atheist, you know your own sentiments and thoughts).
Hmmm, still with him....
Now, if you try, you will find that it is impossible to imagine satan stating anything different about God
than what atheists state. Satan certainly is not going to speak positively about God, and neither is an
atheist. So, what both say is in complete harmony with one another.
{sigh} And so we get to the illogical conclusion based on a rhetorical claim....
Atheism is therefore a doctrine of demons, and in many, if not all cases, atheists are demon-possessed.
NNNnnnggghhh!!!! Doesn't this just make you mad? He is not only insulting MY intelligence but even that of his 'flock.'
So it is quite possible that when you heard an atheist speak, all you were actually hearing was a demon
ranting against God.
Mr Lee. Do you really believe in demons, imps, horny devils? Atheists are merely a voice of reason in the face of some of the outrageous and outdated claims made by christian fanatics. (Not mentioning any names.)
We know that no Atheist has the ability to author them
(Please see previous rebuttal of this insane statement)
"Honor your father and your mother..." "You shall not murder." "You shall not steal." "You shall not bear
false witness against your neighbor" (Exodus 20:12-13,15,16). Those are just four of God's holy TEN
COMMANDMENTS which He has made every person of mankind responsible to obey (Romans
"Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbour"
Now maybe I'm getting the wrong end of the stick but isn't Mr Lee accusing all atheists of being demon possessed? Stupid? And far worse in some of his sermons...(!) Mr Lee! Ever heard of the word 'Hypocrisy'?
Atheists foolishly deny that God is the Author of the TEN COMMANDMENTS. They say that an
human authored them. Some atheists even deny that the TEN COMMANDMENTS exist (Romans
So, lets assume (in order to prove a point here) that the atheists are right. If a human did author them
(and I speak as if insane), then we know for sure that no atheist, agnostic nor any other unbeliever had
sense enough to author them.
True to a point. The commandments were probably derived from priests since the church was the absolute power in that era. They were laws that were written to keep the masses under control, and what better way to validate them than to actually say they were 'witten by God.' Who knows, maybe the priests even believed it. I don't. And neither do any other atheists.
Why is that so? Because atheists are OPPOSED to GOD and His Holy COMMANDMENTS. And
again, they even say the TEN COMMANDMENTS don't exist. So if a human authored them, it was a
person who had far more intelligence than any atheist, agnostic or unbeliever has.
This proves again the Divine Authorship of the TEN COMMANDMENTS.
Choose for yourself.
I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee