By: Robert T. Lee

I received an email from an atheist the other day. In it he stated: "As an atheist, I do not believe in the existence of evil..." That is a most sad statement! It's one of the core points which make me gag from the existence of atheism. It's one thing that makes atheism so dangerous for mankind and a terrible plague on earth that should be hated by all societies with the deepest of hatred. It should be recognized by all governments as a plague which has no right to existence.
Well, Lee is finally starting to respond to letters. Shame he only picks out one weak argument out of the many valid questions he no doubt recieves. And of course, this is a perfectly valid reason to kill every non-christian on the planet! (sarcasm)
This fellow said he does not believe in the existence of evil. Consider the inevitable consequences of such a terrible belief. He who does not believe in the existence of evil sees no evil, hears no evil and speaks no evil. Such a person does not have God's righteous restraint and indignation upon himself and will therefore do and tolerate anything.
Actually, what is perceived as 'evil' does depend on the viewpoint. Hitler certainly did not judge himself as 'evil', he used christian beliefs to justify his genocidal nature. What could be considered 'evil' by someone else could easliy be recognised as being good. For example: If a man kills himself. Would that be evil? According to the bible, suicide is a great sin. But if that man was putting himself between a gunman and his children in order to protect them?
Evil, is not always black and white.

This terribly heathen principle is what make atheists heartless pedophiles, homosexuals and make them perform bestiality. An atheist will do anything wrong and laugh and boast about it. An atheist has no sense of guilt. His conscience is callous (Ephesians 4:17-19). That's why it is easy for the atheist to make heartless laws that murder innocent human embryos and fetuses.
Yet another pathetic assumption. Over half the world does not believe in the christian version of a god. Is India full of murderers? Do all Bhuddists REALLY sodomise their children? I'm sure you can see the utter stupidity of Lee's remark.
If you are an atheist, you are a dangerous person to society. If you do not believe in the existence of evil, what is there to stop you from raping your mother or sodomizing your grandfather while he lay on his death bed? Or what is there to stop you from raping your 7 day old daughter? Your non belief in the existence of an established evil puts you on the same level with such a person as was Jeffery Dalhmer. He had the same belief. So he murdered people, cut up their bodies, ate and performed sex with the corpses and body parts and pleaded not guilty in court. This is why God condemns atheists as truly death worthy criminals who have no God-given right to live on the earth.
What atheists have is obviously a greater understanding of humanity than Lee. The only thing all atheists have in common is a non belief in any god. Apart from that, we are the same as christians, bhuddists, pagans etc. We know right from wrong and we don't use a several thousand year old book to tell us how to behave.
When I post on alt.atheism I can see people who take the bible LITERALLY and they are the most judgemental, narrow minded bigots I have ever had the misfortune to talk to.
FACT: The number of atheists in prisons in America is about 2%


I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee