By: Robert T. Lee

Johnny is 11. He is being taught the principles of the american constitution and its amendments by his atheistic parents. Recent lessons given him has focused on the first amendment.
The other day, Johnny's school teacher gave him some math problems for homework. When his teacher checked his homework the next day, she was astonished that Johnny gave everyone of the problems incorrect answers.
His teacher therefore called him to her desk and asked him had he forgotten how to solve such problems. But Johnny said to his teacher, "None of my answers are incorrect." His teacher asked him why did he say such, and he said, "Because the answers are the ones I believe them to be, and I have a constitutional right to my opinion. You have the opinion that the answers should be such and such, but I say differently. You cannot say my answers are wrong. I have the right to my opinion and you have the right to yours. If you are dogmatic that my answers should be the same as yours, that makes you self-righteous and a biggot. If you say my answers are wrong, you are judging me. Judge not lest you be judged. I deserve an 'A' like everyone else."

The riddle is this: Who is right, Johnny or his teacher? Is there an atheist who can solve this riddle?

For those of you don't me. I am from the UK. So we don't get taught the First ammendment etc. in our education system. From what I know, it is the basic right to have your own opinions, beliefs, and freedom of speech. Very good foundations to base a free society on in fact! :)
However Mr Lee clearly doesn't think so.
He believes that we should all follow god without question. Which quite frankly is rather scary. (As well as impossible with all the various contradictions!)

But I'm getting away from the point here. Mr Lee asked a riddle. And here is an answer.
It is obvious that it is a VERY poor attempt to 'fool' atheists. Mr Lee sees the question as symbolic and will no doubt twist the answer into what he believes.
And here is the 'answer' to the riddle. (This was posted to nearly everybody that responded and became tedious very quickly.)

You failed to solve the riddle: "Little Johnny" is every citizen of america and every person of mankind, including yourself. "Johnny's answers to the problems are the various opinions, religions, and philosohies heathens hold, including atheism. The "teacher" is God. The correct answers to the problems are the answers everyone must arrive at. The correct answers prove the utter insanity and foolishness of the democracy and the first amendment to theconstitution. It proves that one of democracy's prime reasons for existence is to accomodate and breed error. Your attempt to solve the riddle did an excellent job of proving those facts and in so doing, you condemed yourself.
You've gotta laugh. And I did when I read some of the replies on alt.atheism. They all did such a great job of tearing the argument apart.
Here are a couple of the many responses.... enjoy

> You failed to solve the riddle: "Little Johnny" is every citizen of america
> and every person of mankind, including yourself. "Johnny's answers to the
> problems are the various opinions, religions, and philosohies heathens hold,
> including atheism. The "teacher" is God.
Or they would be, if this were direct allegory. It isn't. Cope.

You designed a riddle with multiple answers and decided that there was only one answer. Basicly, you did what you've also done on that www.tencomandments.com site of yours. You've decided that the degree of inteligence and awareness should be measured by how much the subject agrees with you. Closed minds don't grow, little man. And, the kind of hate I've seen on your site, such as "Exposing the Atheist," "Man cannot make a law," and "FOR "jews" ONLY" just to name a few, keep a mind closed like a steel trap. That's one thing about steel traps, everything inside is cut off from everything outside.

Hmmmmm. This person has made an attempt to educate us the old-fashioned, Nazi way. Repeat a lie often enough, and people will start to believe it's true. Since this Nazi method and reasoning come from our friends at TheTenCommandments, it appears fairly certain that they're a few Hitler wannabes. Their big problem is that Pat Robertson has such a big headstart. Still, tacking on your little blurb verbatim to each reply was a good attempt at a trick. The only drawback is that it would only affect the thinking on someone less well-endowed brain-wise than yourself. Like a retarded peice of broccoli.
Nemo - EAC Commissioner for Bible Belt Underwater Operations.

The answer is simple: Johnny should be put to death.

For those of you yet to visit alt.atheism, you really should give it a try. :)

Mr Lee did not respond to an email I sent him, or to the riddle below...

Little Johnny (no relation) believes in the tooth fairy. In order to follow his tooth fairy he decides he must punch out every kid's teeth out in order to keep the spirit of the tooth fairy alive. Now who is right? Little Johnny who is merely following his belief or the enraged parents of his victims?
Please send a response to alt.atheism or to me. Thanks.

I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee