By: Robert T. Lee

One basic principle about carrion lovers is that the unclean is clean to them.
Strange, I doubt that they have a concept of 'clean'. Carrion eaters merely see it as food.
While traveling on a certain highway the other day, I saw two DOGS consuming the remains of a well-rotted deer caucus.
Now dogs have a very keen sense of smell. But the stench of well rotted carrion doesn't bother them.

Perhaps the need for food was greater. Remember, a dog that has such a sensitive nose likes to stick his nose in another dog's butt as a form of identifying each other too. What may be offensive to us is entirely natural to them.
Dogs and all carrion consumers aptly typify atheists and all non believers in God. They are the carrion lovers of the world. The unclean is clean to them. They are not repelled by any of the moral carrion in the world. They are the dogs, buzzards, possums and maggots of the world. They cannot smell the foul stench of pornography, homosexuality, pedophilia, bestiality, abortion or sin of any type, but feel it is their right to practice such.
Before I deal with the insult, let me just add the following. Maggots, flies, rotting carcasses, decay and death are all part of the natural order of life. Horse manure will be food to a beautiful rose, dead leaves bring nutrients to a woodland soil and so on. It may be disgusting to you, but it is nature (or if you prefer, the way your god intended it to be)
As for being 'unclean', I can only assume you are judging by your own standards of personal hygiene. Dogs happen to be one of the cleanest mammals on the planet and take great care in grooming themselves, only when an animal falls ill and it has greater concerns, such as survival, will the animal not meet your required level of cleanliness.
And you equate me with a dog? Such a 'faithful' creature as well, now THAT is ironic! :)
If you seriously think that only atheists perform such deeds, then you are sorely mistaken. Look through the bible to see acts of violence, rape, genocide, and intolerance in the name of your god! If it is god-inspired it is divine, if it is god-less then it is evil. Makes perfect sense.
I turn on the news and I too am sickened by attrocities I see happening all over the world. I am not blind to it. I don't wantonly join in either. Quite frankly, your arguments are wearing thin now.


I would like to make it clear that all texts by Mr Lee are not altered in any way to make my claims any stronger. Spelling mistakes are as they were in the originals. And the intellectual copyright for each article remains with Mr Lee