








Arashnatar was a prosperous country on one of the main continents of the world known as Gaea. The population was mostly Elven, Half-Elven and Human. There was a modest Dwarven, Halfling and Aurochan population also. The ruling family was Elven, the Katuri family, and had been in power for over 1500 years.

Then, The Joining occurred. On another world, a group of xenophobic Elves were meeting in their final council meeting. Something had to be done once and for all to keep others from invading their woods, killing their trees and destroying the animals. A decision was reached. The council of mages would create a spell that would erect a magical barrier keeping all intelligent life out, allowing only plants and animals to pass by the boundaries of their land. It took some time to create such a spell, and during this time the Elves only grew more sure of their chosen path. On the day of of The Joining, all of the Elves gathered with their families in their homes. The Mages went to the center of the city and cast the spell.

No one knows what happened to the Elves responsible for the chaos that followed in the next few weeks. Reconnaissance of the area is not possible at this time. It is so flooded with magic, that anyone with the slightest ability to use magic cannot enter and getting too close to the barrier causes extreme pain. The few capable of entering the forest, the northern barbarians, report back that the forest contains strange and dangerous creatures, but no Elves could be found.

Across Arashnatar and other lands of Gaea, areas of land were destroyed with violent earthquakes. Buildings, even entire streets, disappeared and were replaced by new buildings, or sometimes other things such as trees. Those that were lucky were not in the buildings as they disappeared or appeared. An entire village was replaced with a small forest. It was discovered later that the people were trapped as the trees appeared, sometimes in the same space as the villagers.
These earthquakes and pockets of random teleportation went on for over three weeks before things settled down. The magical backlash affected every mage in the area, ranging from migraine headaches for at least a week to a coma. A few mages did not survived The Joining.

After a brief survey of the lands, it was discovered that Arashnatar had merged with a land known as Kalamar. Of the other lands of Gaea, Neu Chor (Aurochan lands) merged with O'Par. Most of the inhabitants of O'Par did not survive. Tokis, lands to the north of Arashnatar, are currently empty of most of the native people. The Dwarves of Gaea now share the lands of the Ka'Asa mountains with other Dwarven clans. Kalimar itself is split in half. Arashnatar occupies most of the north and west, Kalimar still maintains the south and east. Little is known of the other lands of Gaea; Andorina, the Elven homeland, has not yet been found. Neither has other lands of the world: Pascere (the Halfling homeland), Orcana (Aurochan homeland), Athasia (Human lands), or Thalinaar and Salinost (Desert Elves lands). Elderwood appears to have survive the Roluntel Forest has grown.

Of course, the main problem is that of Arashnatar and
Nireta. While the capital of Arashnatar is now occupied by Nireta, the royal family survives. Most of the militaries of both lands are intact. Quite a few of the allies have also survived, although the people are still shaken by the upheaval. Nireta has sent a clear signal to Arashnatar: Leave Nireta lands or there will be war.


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