Welcome once again to the official newsletter of the Maeve Committee, 'Celtic Fire.' Now let's journey on ahead, that's if you dare take a journey into MAGIC! ADVENTURE! MYSTERY! DANGER! ROMANCE! AND WHO KNOWS WHAT ELSE!

~Maeve's Top Ten List~
By: Celeste

Maeve's Top Ten Father's Day Memories

10. Waking up at the crack of dawn, tiptoeing downstairs, ready to try and make him breakfast... only to find him already awake and half his chores done...
9. The time little Dermott gave him a dead rat he found for a present.
8. Jumping out and yelling "surprise" and startling the cow, causing it to kick her father in the stomach...
7. Using some important papers of his to wrap his gift in...
6. Giving him something that was already his...
5. Picking him flowers and watching what the heck he was gonna to with them...
4. The card he couldn't read because the handwriting was so bad, but pretended to anyway...
3. Buying him something he would never use in his life and never seeing it again a day in her life...
2. Making him something, though he couldn't quite figure out what it was...
1. The time she woke HIM up BEFORE dawn and presented him with the cutest frog she had ever found...

Do you have a suggestion or an idea for a Maeve Top Ten? Then please send them to Celeste at: ling@losalamos.com

~Maeve's Advertisements~
By: Lady Soi

Welcome to Maeve's Advertisements. This is a column dedicated to advertisements involving Maeve. Some are kind of funny and some are really funny, so sit back and enjoy! If you have any ads or any suggestions for this column then please contact Lady Soi at: lady_soi@hotmail.com

Lost: Celtic pin used to fasten a blue cloak of a redhead sorceress.

Found: Gold tiara band with hanging jewel in front, last worn by dark haired witch. Comes with matching yellow and gold dress that no one claimed last month

Found: White little lamb, followed redhead crew member back to Nomad. Very cute, and adorable, but doesn't get along with hawks. Contact Maeve if it's your adorable little lamb.

Wanted: New brown boots, needed for trekking over harsh terrain, fighting monsters, and facing off with sorceresses.

Wanted: Shaving blade for a certain sailor who doesn't believe in shaving anymore.

~Maeve's Point of View~
By: Celtic Dragon


Some days at sea can be quite, let's say exciting. It had to be one of those lucky days that come only on a blue moon. Well let me start from the beginning.

I was practicing my magic and I think it was around lunchtime since Sinbad was trying to get me to come eat. I "accidentally" and I use the term very loosely; found out our ancestors' use to be monkeys at one point in our lives. Or at least Sinbad's side of the family. He got to be my lucky little victim for a trial run.

Even as a monkey he still had those adorable dimples. He acted so sweet, I could swear that Sinbad was purposely sucking up to me to change him back. He still knew how to push me so I would, pure chivalry, I always did have a weak spot for it.

By the end of the day I think everyone was liking Sinbad more as a monkey then as a human. I for one was getting quite found of him in that form, but the spell only lasted until the last of the suns rays sink below the heavens.

When he turned back into his human form I thought I was going to be in a battle of wits for an hour. Turns out he had other intentions. He came up to me, the whole crew drawn to the scene, I could tell from the way he was looking at me he was going to get revenge on me. I wasn't about to let him task it. He swooped me into his arms. My head was just hovering over the boards, I knew what he intended to do. I mustered all the strength in me and switch our positions. I bent over and laid him one hell of a kiss. Then my strength gave out and I dropped him. He was so shocked and was blushing he looked like an apple. I just turned and walked away. The whole crew broke into laughter and I joined in the chorus, as I head down the galley.

I wonder if he'll ever forgive me for embarrassing him twice in one day.

Yours truly,

Do you have a suggestion or an idea for Maeve's Point of View? Then please send them to Celtic Dragon at: celticdragons@hotmail.com.

~Maeve's Poll~
By: Aquarius (formerly Po)

Hi, y'all. How's it going? Please forgive me if I repeat some questions, because, frankly, I have forgotten all of the questions that I have already asked. Also, I would like some suggestions as to how I could make this article more exciting so more people would respond. Anyway, here are the new ones.

This Weeks Questions on Double Trouble:

I. What do you think that Maeve first thought when she saw the little 2 inch Sinbad?
II. What do you think Maeve thought when Sinbad was kissing Rumina at the end?
III. What do you think Maeve thought when the Sinbad that she was about to kiss turned into Rumina?
IV. Do you think that Maeve ever caught on that it was Cairpra who restored Sinbad to his original size?
V. What do you think her feelings were when she thought back to that whole trip/experience?

Last Weeks Questions on The Rescue:

I. What, do you think, was Maeve's first thought of the guy who hired them to get the blonde (I haven't watched this ep in a while so I forgot almost everyone's names)?
"Me too I hadn't watch this ep for awhile, so I don't remember good, but I think she trusted him."
"I think she thought he was suspicious."

II. How frustrated with her magic do you think Maeve was when they first faced the Colossus (sp?) on a scle of 1-10? Why that specific number? "10, for sure! She was really frustrating, I'm sure!"
"Around 8 because she didn't know quite what magic to use on the Colossus."

III. What, do you think, were all the thoughts running through Maeve's head when the lizard was on her (from when Rongar first 'handed' it to her to the time when Sinbad got it off of her)?
"First, I think she was a little angry Rongar gave it to her, then, I believe she started to be a little afraid and just wanted this thing to get off of her. And when Sinbad got it off, I think she felt really, really glad!"
"*Oh Gods get this slimy little thing off me!*"

IV. Do you think that Maeve really was frustrated with the guys when they were talking about Turhan (sp? [hey! I remembered a name!]) settling down with Jialle (sp?---the blonde)?
"No, not really, I don't think so."
"No, I think she might have thought it was sweet, especially when Sinbad looked at her. But she couldn't let them know that so she had to act tough."

V. OK, fine. This has nothing to do with the current ep that I'm on, but I really would like to know since I'm running out of questions. Do you think that I should also base my questions on the second season, the third season, anything that pops into my mind, all, none, a few of the previous choices, just stop writing this article altogether...? Please answer this one, if any. Thanks.
"I think that yes, it would make it different, you can just mixe all that stuff together, it would be cool!"
"I think you should stick to season one since Maeve was not in season two and even though Maeve is in the fan fic season three there are a lot of people who don't like season three and still don't read the season three."

~Maeve To The Rescue~
By: Mystic Star

Hello and welcome to another exciting edition of 'Maeve To The Rescue.' This section is dedicated to our favorite sorceress as she comes to Sinbad and the crew's rescue and saves their hides. Where would they all be without Maeve's magic and sharp sword skills? We wouldn't want to know! If you have any ideas or suggestions for Maeve To The Rescue then please contact Mystic Star at: star27moon@hotmail.com

The episode I'll write about this time is "The Prince Who Wasn't." In this episode, once again Maeve was a prominent reason the good guys won. The crew lands on an island kingdom, Aberia, where they meet a young Prince, Xander, who needs their help. An evil man, Drax, who used to be the King Alderon's, Xander's father, trusted advisor, took over the kingdom and killed the King. To return the isle to its prosperity, has to be overthrown so the rightful heir to the thrown can take their place ruling the isle, that has some ghostly inhabitants.

First of all, when the crew first explores the island, they encounter some horsemen. In Sinbad's words "The welcoming committee" wasn't very friendly and a fight ensues. Everyone takes on their oppenent and Maeve defeats hers with some nice swordplay.

After the horsemen run off, someone can be heard crying. Doubar of course thinks it's a ghost and doesn't want to go near it, but Maeve knows who it really is - a frightened little boy. Maeve leads them to a cemetery where they find Prince Xander, surrounded by the dead bodies of the last of his knights. Xander tells the crew of how Drax has ruined the kingdom and the crew agrees to help. Without Maeve knowing who had been crying and leading them to Xander, the crew would never have been able to help Aberia.

During the journey, Maeve gains Prince Xander's trust and becomes his friend. She is with Xander when he is attacked and calls the others to help. Firouz scares them off when the guards are about to kill Xander with a ghost costume and he is saved.

Next, Maeve discovers that Xander is a ghost and keeps his sercet so Drax will lose. Keeping the secret is very important to Aberia's survival.

In the castle, the crew encounter some guards and maeve protects the Prince, keeping the guards away from him with her sword, and a little ghostly help from Xander. More gaurds come, and Maeve continues to protect Xander.

Together Maeve and Xander head toward the throne room, where Drax awaits. as they enter Drax prepares to kill the Queen with a crossbow device that all he has to do is pull a rope. Maeve delays Drax by some serious flirting to keep the Queen safe, as she carries the rightful heir to the throne. She buys the time for Sinbad to go and get the Queen out of the way of the arrow aimed at her heart.

Drax discovers that its a trick and goes to pull the rope and kill the Queen. Maeve orders Dermott to stop Drax from getting to the rope, and by the time he gets to the rope, Sinbad had the Queen free. Xander's unborn brother is the rightful heir to the throne and as long as Drax thought Xander was alive, he wouldn't suspect about the baby and try to harm it. That is why it was imperative for Maeve to keep Xander's secret.

Before Xander departs for the other side, Maeve offers some comforting words to her new friend, and he goes in peace.

And that's how Maeve came to the rescue in "The Prince Who Wasn't." 'Til next time!!

~Maeve's Scenes & Quotes~
By: Solitaire

Hello! Please send me your favorite Maeve Quote at: solitair@hereintown.net I decided to try something different, I decided to pick a different episode to do quotes on each week. This week I'm doing "The Ghoul's Tale."

Doubar: "Not only does he look big, his appetite looks even bigger."
Maeve: "I'm glad Dermott's not here."
Doubar: "He'd be the appetizer."

Sinbad: 'What's in there!"
Sorriya: "Oh water."
Sinbad: "What else is in there?"
Sorriya: "One of Vatex's minions, water is precious after all."
Maeve: "What kind of minion?"
Sorriya: "Oh she'll be right up."

Sinbad: "What is it?"
Maeve: "An ogress."
Sinbad: "What?"
Maeve: "Have you heard of an ogre? She's the female of the species."

Dermott flies off
Sinbad: "Where's he going?"
Maeve: "Up ahead to scout around."
(Sometime later...)
Maeve: "A raven's cry. Always a bad omen."
Sinbad: "Now lets not let our superstitions get the best of us."
Maeve: "Something's wrong with Dermott..."
Sinbad: "Ask him what it is."
Maeve: "Dermott? (pause) We're in grave danger."
Doubar: "I'd say thats exactly where we are."
Maeve: "We must move from here."
Sinbad: "We can't leave Sorriya."
Maeve: "She left us. Remember!"
Dermott flies off.
Sinbad: "Where's he going?"
Maeve: "He's gone off to find where our guide went."
(Some time later...)
Dermott cries and lands on Maeve's hand.
Sinbad: "What does he have to say?"
Maeve: "Sorriya's run off."

~Maeve's Magic~
By: Morgaine

Well, as you all can see, Celtic Angel is no longer writing this section of the newsletter. I decided to try writing since no one else wanted. But I have to say that I'm not as good a writer as C A. Please try to bear out with me..ok?

Maeve mostly used her magic when it was needed, (And when she was trying locating Master Dim Dim, I'll say that needed, right?), like Sinbad said in The Trickster: «...Maeve doesn't use her fireballs lightly...» By using her magic to defend herself, she was not hit by the Threefold Law. (also known as The Law of Three) For those who doesn't know what I'm talking about, here it is:

Ever mind the rule of Three,
Three times what Thou givest,
returns to Thee.
This lesson well Thou must learn,
Thee only get what Thou earn.

Maeve would, by the way, never harm anyone if the person (or something undentifiable)had done nothing to her. But if he/she/it was hurting her friends and family (Dermott) *woho* then the one who did it was in BIG trouble.

Well, this one didn't get very long. I will try to make a longer next time. If you have any suggestions or something, please send it to: Zezilie@yahoo.com.

Blessed Be, Morgaine

~Maeve's Weekly Survey Question~
By: Saby

Hi! Plz, I want to have more answers than the last time... send your answers to sabywitch@zensearch.net before the deadline! Thanks.

What do you think was Maeve most powerful magic trick and why?

What do you think Maeve thought when Sinbad kissed Cassandra?

She was probably a little jealous, confused, and upset. She's probably tired of seeing a girl come on to Sinbad in every town or port they stop in. That does get aggravating, especially if you like the guy. ~Solitaire

I think she felt jealous, but also maybe some sadness to see the guy who just kissed her is kissing another girl not a minute later! ~Saby

Till next time!


~Maeve's Round Robin~
By: Mystic Star

Yes folks, believe it or now...we have a new part to the Round Robin! Yeah! *jumps up and down, throws confetti, then looks at the other members of the committee sheepishly* Uh...I'm not going crazy. Really! ;-) Anyway, a very big thank you to Mystic Star for writing this!

I'm always in need of volunteers, so if you'd like to write for the RR, please, please, please e-mail me at kcgreystar@aol.com. Thanks! And now, for your enjoyment, Part 10 of The Gem.

~Krisa Star

THE GEM: Part 10

Sinbad surveyed the warriors from hell before them, trying to decide what was the best way to attack, and needing to do it fast.

"By the Gods!!"

The Nomad crew turned around to see some of the village men that had joined them. Upon seeing the hideous demons they would have to fight, the villagers that were doing the best had only fell into horrified shock, others were not dealing nearly as well.

"Don't just stand there, get ready to fight!!" Sinbad snapped at them, the unfriendly situation making him less than pleasant.

He turned back around to face the opposition, fearing if he didn't watch them they would attack and that would be the end.

"Sinbad, we can't just stand here," whispered Maeve impatiently. She was anxious to get this over with, one way or the other.

"OK." He paused as he was just coming to a decision. "Maeve, conjure up some fireballs, big ones, and fire them into the crowd. Firouz, do the same with your explosive sticks. That should get rid of some of them and disorganize them. Everyone else, do whatever you can, just fight them off. Stay close, don't let them seperate you, we'll be a stronger force together."

All the villagers turned warriors nodded, fear evident on their faces as well as a courage brought forth by the need to protect their village. They shifted on their feet, trying to get into the best battle stance possible, ready to fight.

As the villagers were doing this, Sinbad said in a queiter voice to only his crew, "Maeve may tire out from all those fireballs. Surround her and protect her from the demons. We'll need her to protect the gem either way."

Maeve huffed angrily at how Sinbad was making her seem like she needed protecting, but thought it best to keep quiet now. She'd yell at him after the battle was won. Besides, he didn't know that she had sent Dermott to put the gem in a safe place so either way it would be protected.

Sinbad was looking at her, waiting for her consent to his plan, knowing she wasn't very happy with him at the moment. Upon realizing this Maeve rolled her eyes and nodded, showing she'd go along with it, even though she wasn't very happy with him or what he was doing. Besides, it was a pretty good plan.

"Good," Sinbad said, then noticed Scratch's army was stating to move. Without any more hesitation he yelled, "Attack!!" And the battle was on.


Dermott gave a screech as he flew over the smoking village. Bodies were everywhere, whose he couldn't tell because they were so deformed. he only hoped they were all of Scratch's forces and none of his friends.

He noticed the tell tale scorch marks of some of Maeve's fireballs throughout the smoking, ruined village. His sister could pack quite a punch.

But that was not important right now, making sure she and all of his friends were safe was. He had taken off a little over an hour ago to hide the Gem, and during the fight he had been able to somewhat sense Maeve's powers being used. He always could, but the connection had been severed during his trip, and he was anxious to make sure his sibling was safe.

He searched the village, anxiously looking for any sign of Doubar, Rongar, Firouz, Sinbad or Maeve. What if some of them had been captured? What if some of the burnt and disfirgured bodies were theirs? With a horrid worry plaguing his mind, he continued looking.

Finally he spotted Firouz stitching up a deep cut on a hurt villager. Doubar was carrying someone, unconcious or dead Dermott could not tell, toward the physician, or was it the building? He screeched loudly again, gaining his friend's attnetion.

"Dermott!!" Doubar cried joyously, for he had feared for Dermott's safety during the battle. He had not seen the hawk since then and feared he had been hurt, or worse.

Rongar suddenly appeared, seemingly out of nowhere as it was his way and held out his arm. Dermott soared down and landed on the moor's arm. He was so relieved that they were alive. But a nagging worry was at the back of his mind. What of Maeve? And Sinbad?

Chair of the Maeve Committee

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