Maeve's Committee Web Page
Welcome to the official Maeve Committee! I'm Solitaire, the sorceress's apprentice. This page is filled with loads of articles and pics of our beloved Celtic sorceress. But watch out, she's still learning about her white magic and she does have some mishaps. Just ask Dermott! Sinbad doesn't mind though, considering he's in love with her. Don't tell anyone, but she's also in love with him. So journey on ahead and.....DUCK!!! Oh that, it was just one the sorceress's random fireballs. Nothing to worry about. Go ahead and feel free to explore. Oh and don't worry I'll be around to answer any questions you might have. But right now I must go do some conjuring myself. (and with that Solitaire vanishes in a puff of smoke)

Maeve Gallery
This gallery is filled with wonderful pics of the Celtic Sorceress!

Maeve's Magic Gallery
This gallery is filled with wonderful pics of the Celtic Sorceress using her magic!

Maeve and Sinbad Romance Gallery
This gallery is filled with wonderful pics of the Celtic Sorceress and her one and only blue-eyed sailor!!!

Celtic Fire
The official newsletter of the Maeve Committee

The Maeve Archives
Here are some of the Celtic Sorceress's archives to explore!

Maeve Links
Here is where you can find other destinations to go involving the Celtic Sorceress!

Maeve's Celtic Terminology
Her are some Celtic Terms

Maeve's GuestBook
Leave your mark!

An exclusive interview with Jacqueline Collen!
The actress who portrayed Maeve in 'The Adventures of Sinbad'.

This Maeve and Sinbad - Soulmates Forever Webring site is owned by Solitaire


The Ring of the Seven Seas

This Ring of the Seven Seas Webring site is owned by Solitaire.

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