Strong And Silent: The Scully Skinner Romance Page
Special Agent Dana Scully: Strong, virtuous, brilliant.
Assistant Director Walter Skinner: Silent, committed, principled.
Put them together and you have the
most mature, adult couple never seen on TV. With her beauty and his quiet grace, they exemplify
dignity, tenderness, forgiveness, commitment and love. But since fun is in short supply for this serious
couple, we thought we'd help them along. |
This page is best viewed with Netscape 3.0 or higher, 640x480 or higher
 | For starters, we thought they needed to have their first kiss. To that end, we did
some playing with the fabulous GIF Construction Set to
make this animated gif. (291K) Aren't they cute? |
But Then What?
Well, that was pretty cute. We won't worry too much about having them reveal their feelings for
one another; there are plenty fanfics to take care of that. But what about
getting them to celebrate their love? (Yes, all right there are a lot of fics to take care of that, too, but
humour me). Why don't we give them some Dutch courage by inviting them to play...
The Scully Skinner Shipper Drinking Game
The Scully/Skinner Shippers' Drinking Game *G* 1/1
Deslea R. Judd
drjudd@tig.com.au drjudd@catholic.org
Copyright 1998
This work is based on The X Files, a creation of Chris Carter owned by him,
Twentieth Century Fox, and Ten-Thirteen Productions. All characters
mentioned remain the intellectual property of those parties and are used
without their consent and without commercial gain.
OK to archive.
Spoilers: None really.
Category: Humour.
Rating: G for generally silly.
Summary: Self-explanatory.
Fan mail is always appreciated!!! My e-mail is drjudd@tig.com.au or
drjudd@catholic.org. This and my other stories may be
found at http://homepages.tig.com.au/~drjudd (shameless plug).
The Scully/Skinner Shippers' Drinking Game *G* 1/1
Deslea R. Judd
drjudd@tig.com.au drjudd@catholic.org
Copyright 1998
1. Whenever Mulder bursts into Skinner's office to find Skinner and Scully
speaking privately, take a drink.
2. Whenever Scully begs Skinner to do something incredibly dangerous for
her and storms out when he refuses, take a drink.
3. Whenever Skinner does what she asked anyway, take four drinks.
4. Whenever Scully doesn't trust Skinner's intentions, take a drink.
5. Whenever he quietly comes through for her anyway, take a drink.
6. Whenever you feel like thumping Scully over the head and screaming,
"He's here to help you, you idiot!", take however many drinks you need to
channel that frustration into seeing blazing UST.
7. Whenever Scully is wearing a shorter skirt than normal in Skinner's
company, take a drink.
8. Whenever Skinner sustains an injury for doing something for Scully, take
a drink.
9. Whenever Skinner sustains an injury from someone associated with the
consortium for doing something for Scully, take a drink and prepare for UST
10. Whenever Skinner conceals doing something for Scully, take a drink.
11. Whenever Mulder finds out and makes quiet reference to the fact, take a
12. Whenever Mulder *doesn't* think to ask *why* he keeps doing stuff for
Scully, take a sip. Just a sip. We don't want you paralytic.
13. Whenever Scully dismisses Kimberley Cooke as "your assistant", take a
14. Whenever Kim Cooke is played by the same actress as last time, take
four drinks.
15. Whenever Scully talks about Skinner in his hearing to Mulder as though
he weren't there, throw a glass at the television.
16. Whenever Skinner tries to stop Scully from risking everything to pick
up after Mulder, take a drink.
17. Whenever she does it anyway, shrug your shoulders philosophically.
18. Whenever they discuss said risking of everything, and Scully takes
pains to explain she is doing this for the good of the work or to protect
Mulder's safety (read: Don't be jealous, honey), take a drink.
19. Whenever Scully and Skinner are alone in a closed room together, wipe
your brow and take a drink. Turn on a fan if it's an office or a bedroom.
Doesn't matter if it's a prison or a hospital, any bedroom will do.
20. Whenever Scully and Skinner touch in any way, take five drinks and sigh.
21. Whenever Scully gets pissed with him and calls him "Skinner" instead of
"Sir", take a drink and wait for the anger-turns-to-passion fanfic to start
rolling in.
22. Whenever Skinner says he "respects" Scully, chug-a-lug at will.
23. Whenever Skinner tells Mulder to break the rules to help or protect
Scully, take a drink.
24. Whenever Skinner tells Mulder to break the rules for any other reason,
laugh in disbelief and drink away.
25. Whenever Skinner traipses halfway across the country at Scully's
request, or because Scully has been hurt, take a drink.
26. Whenever Skinner traipses halfway across the country at Mulder's
request, or because Mulder has been hurt - nah, never mind.
27. Whenever Kimberley is conveniently away from her desk when Scully and
Skinner want to talk, take a drink.
28. "Avatar" special: Whenever Scully purses her lips at Skinner sleeping
with Corrina Sayles, take a drink.
29. Whenever Kimberley waves Scully straight in, take a drink.
30. Whenever Kimberley tells Mulder to wait while she buzzes Skinner, take
a drink.
31. Whenever Skinner maintains cold civility with Cancerman, take a drink.
32. Whenever he doesn't, and it's about Scully, take a drink.
33. Whenever he doesn't, and it *isn't* about Scully, drink the whole bottle.
34. Whenever Skinner gets pissed during a Mulder/Scully shipper moment,
take a drink.
35. Whenever Scully protects Skinner in some way, take a drink.
36. Whenever Scully graces him with a smile, blink in disbelief, then
decide you'd better have another drink.
37. Whenever Skinner and Mulder come and go from one another's places like
it's Grand Central Station, take a drink.
38. Whenever Skinner or Scully shows up at the other's pad, wonder if
fanfic authors have deposed Chris Carter and take a drink.
39. Whenever you stop and think what would happen if it did happen - oh,
never mind.
40. Whenever Skinner calls Scully "Agent Scully", take a drink.
41. Whenever Skinner calls Scully "Scully", take two drinks.
42. Whenever you hear Skinner call Scully "my hunka hunka burning love",
delete all Skinner fanfic from your hard drive.
43. Whenever Skinnner hangs around Scully's hospital room *but doesn't go
in*, take a drink.
44. Whenever Scully defends Skinner to an Office of Professional Conduct
panel, take five drinks.
45. Whenever Skinner invites the bigwigs to congregate in his office and
hear about Scully's latest whoopee-do season finale relevation, take a drink.
46. Whenever Skinner invites the bigwigs to hear Mulder talk about
*anything*, take five drinks.
47. Whenever Scully is being chewed out by a Congressional hearing, OPC
panel, etc and Skinner looks uncomfortable, take a drink.
48. Whenever Mulder is being chewed out by someone other than Skinner, take
five drinks.
49. Whenever Skinner implicitly reveals his love for Scully to a Consortium
member or other bad guy, take a drink.
50. Whenever Skinner does same to the good guys, have your eyesight checked
and take four drinks.
51. Whenever Scully chews a colleague out for failing to protect Skinner in
some way, take a drink.
52. Whenever Scully throws her weight around for any other reason, take
three drinks.
53. Whenever Scully chews Skinner out, take a drink.
54. Whenever Skinner lets her get away with it, take a drink.
55. Whenever anyone else chews Skinner out, hold your breath and wait for
the fallout.
56. Whenever Deslea Judd posts a Skinner/Scully romance, groan, *again*?
57. Whenever Red Valerian posts a Skinner/Scully romance, pant.
58. Whenever Lyrica posts a Skinner/Scully romance, take a cold shower.
59. Whenever a Scully/Skinner romance suggests Scully has been attracted to
Skinner from their first meeting, take a drink.
60. Whenever a Scully/Skinnerotica suggests that Scully either fantasises
about or actually goes to work without panties and sits on Skinners cool
leather chair and dreams about him while he chews her out, roll your eyes
and take a drink.
61. Whenever a Scully/Skinnerotica shows Skinner chewing Scully out turning
into a B&D situation, take a drink and settle down for the - er - ride.
62. Whenever a Scully/Skinner romance starts with one of them hurt or in
danger, take a drink.
63. Whenever a Scully/Skinner romance suggests she is unable to trust him
because of the frightening feelings he engenders in her, take two drinks.
64. Whenever a Scully/Skinner romance suggests Catholic!Scully was screwing
Skinner while he was still with his wife, take a drink.
65. Whenever a Scully/Skinner romance ends, fairytale like, with marriage
and a baby, wonder whether you're reading an MSR (yes, I'm the most
offending writer, so sue me), take a drink.
66. Whenever a fanfic writer conveniently disposes of Sharon Skinner by
making her dead or a hellacious bitch, take a drink (yes, me again, sue me).
67. Whenever a Scully/Skinner romance involves Scully honourably offering
to resign after they make love or reveal their love, take a drink.
68. Whenever Skinner refuses to accept her resignation, pretend to be
surprised and take a drink.
69. Whenever a Scully/Skinner fanfic conveniently has the Assistant
Director returning to fieldwork, take a drink.
70. Whenever a Scully/Skinner fanfic conveniently has Mulder absent for any
reason, take a drink.
71. Whenever a Scully/Skinner fanfic has Mulder discover his partner and
boss are having an affair in an explosive fashion, such as walking in on
them, take a drink.
72. Whenever Mulder plays matchmaker between Scully and Skinner, take a drink.
73. Whenever Mulder plays matchmaker in some social FBI context, such as a
picnic, Christmas party, charity benefit, or costume ball, suspend disbelief
and take a drink.
74. Whenever a Scully/Skinner fanfic shows Scully and Skinner "coming out"
to friends and family as involved in a public setting, take a drink.
75. Whenever a Scully/Skinner fanfic has Sharon sneering about Skinner's
short redhead girlfriend, take a drink.
76. Whenever a Scully/Skinner fic shows Mulder jealous of Skinner, take a
77. Whenever a Scully/Skinner fic shows Mulder jealous of Scully, take two
78. Whenever a Scully/Skinner fic shows Mulder fantasise about them both,
take three drinks.
79. On the show, whenever Scully storms out of an emotional discussion with
Skinner saying something cryptic and/or dismissive, take a drink.
80. And, last but not least, when Scully and Skinner share a companionable
or understanding moment, sigh, drink whatever's left of your supply, and go
to bed with romantic dreams.
First Comes Love, And Then Comes...
Hey, you didn't really think a romantic like me would let us get this far without marrying them off, did you? You obviously haven't been reading my fanfic if you think that...go directly to Fanfic Picks, do not pass go, do not collect $200. But before you do that, click on the Scully/Skinner wedding picture below to see their Virtual Marriage Certificate.

Come again - there's more fun coming to this page soon!
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